In the context of In the Neighbourhood' I will design and produce 'an animated story' for school students 5 - 13 years old, to be used to inform the targets of our audiences opinions for different primary, intermediate, and colleges that are available to them in there Tamaki community. My animated story is currently under construction. Could you please help me, by giving me feedback on my conceptual design.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Tower Comparision
This term for inquiry we have been learning about the different types of structures. We have been learning about different types of towers, tunnels, and bridges. Last week myself and Angela created a 3 Venn diagram showing the differences and similarities between 3 different towers. Me and Angela decided to create a 3 Venn diagram based on the Sky Tower, the Burj Khalifa Tower, and the Eiffel Tower. We also added in images of each tower by attributing them.
Venn Diagram
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Structure Comparison
This term for inquiry we have been learning about the different types of structures around the world. For inquiry we have been creating charts, Venn diagrams, google drawings, and so much more. This time we were to create a 3 Venn diagram by using lucid chart. On this Venn diagram we compared and contrast 3 different types of structures. They were bridges, tunnels, and towers. Before publishing this Venn diagram we were to make sure that there were at least 3 notes in each circle.
3 Venn Diagram,
Adding Decimals
This week for maths we have been learning about decimals. Today I created this DLO to show how to add decimals by rounding and compensating. Before creating this DLO we were to pick a decimal problem to solve and show how you solved it. I decided to show you how to solve 37.3 + 19.8.
Analogue Time Explanation
This week for writing we have been learning about analogue time. Before we started doing anything we were to read out our hooks in our introduction and conclusion. In my writing I included 5 paragraphs about the introduction, numerals, the 3 hands, different types of clocks, and the conclusion. There were different types of hooks to use like: a list, description, the 5 scenes, short staccato sentences, alliteration, comparison, and what it's not.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
This term for inquiry we have been learning about the different types of structures. At the beginning of our inquiry session we played a game of bus stop, but the structure version. We were to list down notes about who is involved in making a structure, what materials could be used to make a structure, famous structures, and what is a structure. After playing this game Ms Kirkpatrick wrote on the board as we added these words to our alphabet key.
Bus Stop,
Silver Confidence and Attitude Badge
Today at assembly, I received both my confidence and attitude badges.This meant that I finished my entire silver booklet. I was so proud of myself, because I was the first year 7 in my class to get all of my silver badges completed. To earn these badges I completed different types of challenges. After that I was to get it signed and checked of by any student leader and class teacher. The last thing I did was to book an appointment with Mr Johnston ( Principal), so that he could check and sign it off.
Here are the links to the tasks I completed for my 2 badges on my blog:
Attitude Badge,
Silver Confidence
Different Types of Tunnels
This term for inquiry we have been learning about the different types of structures. The types of structures that we have been learning in inquiry are tunnels, towers, and bridges. This term Myself, Sky, and Magenta worked collaboratively to finish these slides off. To complete task we were to find the purposes of each bridge and information about those bridges. We created a DLO to show the purposes of 5 different tunnels. The tunnels that my group wrote about were the sewer tunnel, water supply tunnel, subway tunnel, highway tunnel, and the railway tunnel.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Tech Reflection
Today was my fourth session of Digi tech at Tamaki College. Since Ms Anderson was at a Hui presentation, our teacher was a releaver teacher.This week at tech some students were finishing off uncompleted work. Most of them were working on there animated stories about the Tamaki neighbourhood. As I said last week that some students were drawing there sprites on google drawing, while some students were just using sprites from scratch. At the moment im still working on my codes. Today was our second to last session of Digi Tech. In 2 more weeks we will be switching tech groups.
Animated Stories,
Digi Tech,
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can was a another session with one of our kiwi can tutors Mr Matt. This week for Kiwi Can we have been learning about problem solving. Problem solving is our new theme this term. Problem Solving means solving out a situation that has not been fixed yet. Our topic this term is still goal settings. Goals settings is when you set challenging goals for yourself to reach. All the game we played was all about problem solving and working together as a team like communicating and talking. The first game we played was a game that included communicating. The point of this game was to answer Mr Matt's questions with in 3 seconds. For example if Mr Matt said sport players each group were to say a name with in 3 seconds. It was a non stop game. The next activity we played was a activity that included a ball. In this game Mr Matt divided us into 4 even groups. There was group 1, 2, 3, and 4. The point of this game was just like doge ball, but was only allowed to be hit below the knees. The winner of each group was going to the finals. It was more challenging because the rollers were to keep an eye on who they were rolling it to in case they would've rolled it to there team mate.
Goal Settings,
Kiwi Can,
Problem Solving
Today we did another HIIT session with Mrs Anderson. Today we did our workouts for about 11 - 12 minutes. We managed to do 4 sets of push ups, squats, tap steps, and star jumps,even though something went wrong with the technology. We did 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off again. Some people managed to increase there heart rates to the colour red. The timing we used to do our HIIT training was the tabata style. Everyone also managed to get pau te hau - get puffed. Thank you to our 4 leaders and Mrs Anderson for cheering and leading us throughout today's session. Today everyone showed integrity and showed a lot of commitment to each other. Before doing our HIIT session we warmed up by using some fornite dances. The leaders decided to do ride the pony, take the l, hype, fresh, and living large. Remember that energy given is energy shared.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Golden Gate and Auckland Viaduct Bridge Comparison
Pass the few weeks we have been learning about different types of structures. The type of structures that we have been learning today were 2 bridges. They were called the Golden Gate Bridge and the Auckland Viaduct Bridge. I created this Venn diagram to show the differences and similarities between the 2 different bridges.
Decimal Quiz
This week for maths we have been learning how to solve subtraction problems by using the decimal strategy. Today Mrs Anderson maths group played a game called mathopolis quiz. In this game we were to find out the answers to different decimal questions using the columns.
Click below if you want to try this game out:
Decimal Point,
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Sky Tower Visit
Today for inquiry the year 3 - 8 students were lucky enough to visit the Sky Tower. The reason why we visited the Sky Tower was because our inquiry topic was based on structures. There were 2 groups that Mrs Anderson split us into. Mrs Anderson group went up to level 51 to see the deck. It was really exciting because we each got booklets to fill in. Everyone loved jumping on the glass, even though it looked scary. What made it even better was when we got see others sky walk and sky jump. Others said that it looked scary to try it, but once you've tried it more than once you'll get use to it. Then we went down to the safe room. This room was located at level 46. This room was built for different types of emergencies such as: earthquakes, fires, and etc. There was also a orange cupboard that was filled with a first aid kit, lollies, puzzles, and colouring's. Finally we took the elevator to the theatre. In the theatre we watched a 10 minute video about the Sky Tower. The video explained lots of information about different structures, even what happened back in the days. The interesting fact that I learnt was that 6,000 elephants can fit into the Sky Tower. Another interesting fact that I learnt was that it takes 29 minutes for a person to walk down all the levels on a Sky Tower. The Sky Tower can change it's colour every time it's a special day. For example when it's Christmas they change the Sky Tower colour to red and green. If it's Chinese New Year they change it's colour to red and golden.
A huge thank you to Douglas Bates for donating money for our Sky Tower Trip. I also want to say a huge thank you to Mr Dobson for volunteering to help as a parent during our trip.
Sky Tower,
Sleep Presentation
Throughout the previous weeks my reading group worked collaboratively together to create a DLO about Sleep. Today my group presented our sleep DLO to everyone.The type of reading we used to create our DLO was reciprocal reading.We also used a strategy called inferring. Inferring means reading between lines and combining clues from a particular text and using our prior knowledge to get an idea. We all used our great researching skills to find interesting information and facts about sleep. At the end we summarised our DLO. I think the I did great, because I spoke clearly to the audience.
Sleep Presentation
Monday, 20 August 2018
Scale Drawing
Last week was a maths week. Last week we did our own types of scale drawings. First everybody searched for a image that was easy for them to draw, then they sent it to Ms Kirkpatrick so that she could print it out. From there we started drawing the grid lines on our printed image. The 1 requirement before drawing our scale drawings was to finish our test images, so that Ms Kirkpatrick could see if our drawing skills were great. We drew our images on a piece of A4 paper, but before doing that we were to rule up our grid lines again. The ratio of the scale drawing was 1:2. The scale factor of our scale drawings is 2. The maths we use in our scale drawings were multiplication and division. The best part about scale drawing for me was getting to use my drawing skills to draw my personal passion. The part that I found hard about drawing my image was trying to draw and colour the flames. Next time I will find a better image that will be easier for me to draw.
Scale Drawing
Friday, 17 August 2018
Tech Reflection
Today was my third session at Tamaki College Digi Tech. Our tech teacher today was Mrs Anderson. This week at tech Mrs Anderson tech group were finishing off uncompleted work. Some people were working on their surveys and their design idea decisions. We spend about 10-20 minutes doing each task. Most of them were starting to do their story animations. Some are drawing their sprites on google slides, but some are just using sprites from scratch.
Digi Tech,
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Waterview Tunnel and Gotthard Road Tunnel Comparison
This term for inquiry we have been learning about structures. A structure is a piece of building that includes several parts to make it. This term for inquiry we have been looking at different structures of different tunnels. The 2 main tunnels that we were focusing on was the Waterview tunnel and the Gotthard tunnel. First we watched 2 different videos about both tunnels and then we created a DLO in our groups. In this DLO we were to create a venn diagram comparing the 2 tunnels.
Kiwi Sport - Snag Golf

Today was our first session of Snag Golf with Miss Morris. In this sport there were 2 partners at each station. Myself and Viva were working together. Today was all about aiming the balls at the number 1 in the middle of the board. The first we did was to roll the ball and try to aim it on the 1 3 times because there were 3 balls. Next we tried bouncing the ball on the hula hoop before it touched the snag board. Finally we used the snag golf sticks to try and hit the ball to the number 1. Myself and Viva managed to get it about 3 or 4 times. The goal of using the goal sticks to hit the number 1 is to be shoulder with the part.
kiwi sport,
Snag Golf PE
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can was a another session with our Kiwi Can tutors Miss Lily and Mr Matt. This week for Kiwi Can we have been learning about problem solving. Problem solving is our new theme this term. Problem Solving means solving the problem. Our topic this term is still goal settings. Goals settings is when you set challenging goals for yourself to achieve. All the game we played was all about problem solving and working together as a team like communicating and talking. The game we played was called tangled. In this game there were 2 teams competing. The goal of the game was to untangle our hands and collaborate at the same time. The other game we played was called rock, paper, scissors. The point of this game was to see the last man standing. The last game we played was a activity that included Mr Matt and Miss Lily holding the rope. The point of this game was to use our thinking skills to help our class mates get over the rope without touching it or going under it. My teams strategy was to make one person go on their knees while the others climb on that person and jump to the other side. Finally we played a game of GKQ.
Goal Settings,
Kiwi Can,
Problem Solving
Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu - Blog Commenting
Today I decided to do more smart commenting to 2 students at Paparoa Range School. A smart comment includes: a formal greeting, question, encouragement, and advice. Today I commented on Jack's camp reflection, but on Tuesday I commented on Caitlyn's holiday with her family. The 2 things I loved about there blog posts were the images they took.
Click below to access to Jack's and Catilyn's blog:
blog commenting,
Smart Commenting,
Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu
Today we did another HIIT session with Mrs Anderson and Mr Ogilvie. Today we did our workouts for 12 minutes. We managed to do 4 sets of push ups and star jumps. We did 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off again. Some people managed to increase there heart rates to the colour red. To make it better again we all got into lines of 5 like we did the other time. The style we used to do our HIIT training was the tabata style. Everyone also managed to get pau te hau - get puffed. Thank you to Mrs Anderson for being a wonderful encouragement to us during our HIIT session, even Mataio, Zane, Tiava, and Lyric for leading us throughout the HIIT session today. Remember that energy given is energy shared.
Pau te hau,
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
CARE Awards - Confidence - Bullying and Cyber Bullying
As part of my care awards I have finished my last activity for silver attitude and my entire silver booklet. Today I created a task on my own. I created a google draw to share my learning. To complete this DLO I needed to research facts and tips about both cyber bullying and bullying.
Care Awards,
Cyber Bullying
Friday, 10 August 2018
Read and Learn Facts about Sleep
Past the few week Mrs Anderson reading group has been using our researching skills to find out why sleep is important. We used reciprocal reading for our DLO's. We also used our inference skills in our reading. Before creating this DLO my reading group read different types of sleep that will answer our questions. The most important question to me was trying to find out if our ancestors got more sleep than us. Once we finished reading different sites we gathered our information altogether to make a DLO.
Today was our second session at Tamaki College Digi Tech. Our instructor today was Ms Anderson. This semester Mrs Anderson tech group was starting to create there animated stories. Today some people were creating surveys for others to fill out. Since I wasn't at tech last week I catched up by completing my 3 designs ideas like: story ideas, sprite ideas, and the backdrop ideas.
Whare Haoura
Yesterday was a very special day, because Panmure Bridge School was lucky enough to get a Whare Haoura built on our school field. Since the weather forecast was drizzling we decided to do this event in the hall. We listened to people who sponsored our Medicube like: Starship foundation, Starship for children, Barfoot Thompson and more. First we had a prayer (karaki) from Sir Peter Thompson - Head of the Barfoot Thompson. Next our sponsorship's stood up and started sinning a song called Te Aroha. Then Mr Johnston presented a speech welcoming our special guests to join our Medicube event. There were 2 guests who spoke to us about what they do as their career. The best part was when we got to see Sarah Williams open our new Medicube centre.
Whare Haoura
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Today we did another HIIT session with Mrs Anderson. Today we did our workouts for 20 minutes. We managed to do 4 sets of squats, tap steps, push ups, and star jumps. We did 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off again. Some people managed to increase there heart rates to the colour red. To make it better again we all got into lines of 5. The style we used to do our HIIT training was the tabata style.I liked it how everyone got Pau Te Hau - Get Puffed. Thank you to Mrs Anderson for being a wonderful encouragement to us during our HIIT session. Remember that energy given is energy shared.
Monday, 6 August 2018
Today was HIIT sessions with Mrs Anderson. Today we did our workouts for 12 minutes. We managed to do 4 sets of mountain climbers, tap steps, high knee sprint, and star jumps. We did 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. Everyone managed to increase there heart rates to the red colour again. To make it better again we all got into lines of 5. The style we used to do our HIIT training was the tabata style. I liked it how everyone was encouraging others to get into the colour red. Everyone also got Pau Te Hau - Get Puffed. Thank you to Mrs Anderson for being an encouragement to us throughout our HIIT session. Remember that energy given is energy shared.
Pau te hau,
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Today was another session of HIIT with Mrs Anderson. HIIT is a acronym for high intensity interval training. Today we did HIIT for 15 minutes. We managed to do 4 and 20 seconds of mountain climbers, split squat karate kick, high knee sprint, and star jumps. Everyone managed to increase there heart rates to the red colour. To make it better we got into lines of 5. The kind of style we used to do our HIIT training was the tabata style. Everyone also managed to get Pau Te Hau - Get Puffed. Thank you to Mrs Anderson for cheering us throughout our HIIT session.
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