
Monday 19 October 2015

My Recount About My Weekend

“Yum” I said to myself. On Saturday my family had a big BBQ at home. It felt like I was going to explore in the air. As my dad brought the BBQ stove to cook the meat inside it. I felt so happy that we were going to have a yum BBQ with my whole family. When I saw the food on the plate my dad said ‘’kids come and eat” so I went to eat a piece of meat. As I took a bite of my meat my tongue was burning. When I grabbed a sausage from the plate It was so hot so I kept on blowing my sausage so that it could get warmer for me to eat. When I ate my sausage it felt more better than me getting a burning tongue. When I finished eating I went to play with my brothers. When me and my brothers played kicks they wouldn't let me play with them so I felt sad and played with my little brother which was more quiet and kind. When me and my little brother played kicks it was so fun. As I played kicks with my brother it felt like he was more kinder to me than my other brothers.When we finished playing we went inside and got a snack to eat. As I finished eating I went to my room and relaxed. When I relaxed I said “it” was a nice summer day today to have a ‘’BBQ’’. Also I said thank you to my parent for planning a BBQ to have on a nice summer day. It was so fun and exciting!!

This is my Writing about what I did in the weekend. I had to include when, Where, Why,Who,What and how in my recount. Also I had to say what I did. In my recount I had to use an hook at the beginning of my story.

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