Today was our third session of HIIT. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. HIIT is when we do training workouts for 15 minutes. Today at HIIT we did 4 sets of squats and squat jumps. Everyone got there own polar heart rates and straps to use when doing our exercises. Our heart rates helps us and our teachers know what our heart rate looks like. I was really impressed with my heart rating scores because it kept on turning to the right color at the right time. Everyone was motivated by the music that was playing while doing our workouts.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Care Awards - Confidence - Favourite Career
Today I created another activity for confidence. The care awards is our school values. C is for Confidence, A is for Attitude, R is for Respect, and E is for Excellence and Innovation. To complete this task I created a DLO showing my favorite career and interviewing them at the same time. I decided to interview my mother because she is a Midwife.
Care Awards,
Favourite Career
Wash Day 1970
Today myself and Marieta created a informative dlo about washing day in the 1970's. To complete this dlo myself and Marieta wrote all about the sort of things they used to wash there clothes. For example back in the 1970's they used dolly sticks. Dolly sticks is a piece of laundry worker that uses a type of wooden stick and a tub to make clothes look clean. For this task we used our smart searching skills to create a DLO that reflects what life was like in New Zealand in the 1870.
Ballad poem,
Wash Day 1870
Charlotte Anne
This week LS2 has been focusing on a ballad poem based on a pioneer called Charlotte Ane. For this task we worked in a group of 4. Myself, Jack, Marieta, and Sanujan worked together to finish this ballad poem slide using the 6 thinking hats. The 6 thinking hats helped us thing about different types of ways we could write information about the ballad poem called The Waitakere Balleds. Today I learnt how to add our old knowledge and new knowledge together to synthesise it.
6 Thinking Hats,
Charlotte Anne,
Test Results
This week for inquiry we have been learning about the body systems. Before we started doing this activity we tested how fast we could react to the messages that were coming to our brain. We created a google document to collect all of our data. We worked in partners. We played a ruler game where we got into pairs. Myself and Carl worked together to play this ruler game. In this ruler game we did three types of tests on each other to see how fast they could react. The tests were Auditory, Visual and Tactile. After that we got into a group of 4 and made a graph comparing how good we did at our tests and how good we did on our hypothesis. We then needed to graph this data showing each persons results. This data shows the average of our reflex test. I think my group done really good because we have a fast reflex at looking than hearing and touching.
Human Body,
Reflex Experiment
Kiwi Sport
Today was our third session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish (Rippa Rugby Coach). First we played rippa rush. In this game it was similar to boar rush but the rippa rugby version. There was 1 person in the middle calling out boys, girls, barefoot, or everybody go. The last 2 standing were our new taggers. Next we played a game rippa rugby. There were 3 teams. Before anyone scored a try they passed it to one of the girls to make it fair. Finally everyone practised passing sideways.
kiwi sport,
Physical Education
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Making Connections
Today I read a book called The mystery of the Kalonoro. To complete we then created a making connection sheet showing text to text, text to world, and text to self.
Making Connections,
Monday, 28 May 2018
Care Awards - Excellence and Innovation - 3 Novels
Today I have been blogging my excellence and innovation activities .To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this care award I was working on excellence and innovation. To complete this task I read 3 novels during a term. I created a google slide to show you the books I read and a summary about each book I read.
3 Novels,
Care Awards,
Excellence and Innovation
Care Awards - Excellence and Innovation - 8 Times Tables
Today I have been blogging my excellence and innovation activities .To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this care award I was working on excellence and innovation. To complete this task I needed to complete all 6 days on transum to learn a times table including the beyond activities. I decided to work on my 8 times table.
Click underneath to explore transum times tables:
Care Awards - Excellence and Innovation - Personal Passion
Today I have been blogging my excellence and innovation activities .To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this care award I picked excellence and innovation. To complete this task I needed to create a DLO showing what my personal passion is.
Care Awards - Excellence and Innovation - 3 motivational quotes
Today I have been blogging my excellence and innovation activities .To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this care award I picked excellence and innovation. To complete this task I needed to create 3 motivational posters using quotes from inspirational people to help inspire others.
Care Award - Excellence and Innovation - Kate Sheppard
Today I have been blogging my excellence and innovation activities . To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this care award I picked excellence and innovation. To complete this task I used my researching skills to find information about Kate Sheppard.
Care Award,
Excellence and Innovation,
Kate Sheppard
Friday, 25 May 2018
Thank you Mr Grundy
Today for tech the year 7's created a thank you letter to Mr Grundy. The reason why we wrote this to Mr Grundy is because we appreciate his help for teaching our how to make our own pewter castings. In this thank you letter some of the year 7's worked together to write a helpful letter to Mr Grundy. Everyone took a photo for the last day of our pewter casting orientation.
Tech Reflection
Today was our last session at pewter casting for term 2 at Tamaki College Tech. Next week we will be moving to different tech classes. Today everybody was creating there presentation boxes to take there pewter castings home. Mr Grundy's class learnt all about how to create a pewter casting. Everyone finished everything off even there workbooks. He did this to help him mark our reports and look at our project at the same time. This is a gif showing pictures of our pewter castings and photos of us at tech for the last day.
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Kiwi Sport
Today was our second session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish (Rippa Rugby Coach). First we played a game called everybody's it. In this game everyone had to rippa's on their belts. Everybody ran around and tried ripping peoples rippa's off. At the end the person with the most rippa's win. The next game we played was called tag rush. This game was similar to boar rush but the rippa rugby version. There was 1 person in the middle calling out boys, girls, barefoot, or everybody go. Instead of tagging/tackling them we ripped there tags off. The last 2 standing are our new taggers. Next we played a game called green and orange. This was similar to rats and rabbits but the rippa rugby version. For example if Hamish calls orange this means they will need to run over the white line before there partner rips there tag off. The last game we played was a game of rippa rugby. In this game there were new rules. We were allowed to pass it any direction. It was like netball rippa rugby. It was confusing for some of us because both teams were all wearing the same colored rippa tags.
kiwi sport,
Physical Sport,
Rippa Rugby
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our fourth session of term 2. Our teachers were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic for this term is still Intergrity. Integrity means doing the right thing even though know ones looking. In Kiwi can we played 1 energizer and 1 GKQ. Our new theme for this term is called role models. Role models means looking up to someone that will influence you to become the person you want to be.The first energizer we played was a remote game. In this game there were 2 leaders sitting on the chair blind folded with a toy noodle in there hand. Miss Lily or Mr Matt would call a letter and that group of people would go up and try to get the remote without getting hit with the toy noodle. Whoever gets hit with the toy noodle needs to run back to the white board and start again. Then we learnt what a role model is. For example my mother would be a role model to me because she is a LMC midwife, so I look up to her job. Finally we played general knowledge questions.

Kiwi Can,
Role Models
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Wild Boars
Today I created a google draw about Wild Boars. First I read a key evaluation about Wild Boars, then I created a google draw including 5 facts about them and the danger labels about them. This task was really enjoyable.
5 Facts,
Wild Boars
9 Times Tables Stragety
Today for maths I created a DLO showing you how I worked out a 9 time table equation by using the 10 times tables strategy. On this google draw it includes how I solve the problem and how I would solve it in words.
9 times tables,
Making Connections
Today for this reading task we made a making connections google draw. We read a book called Im a Wimp. To complete this task we then created a making connections sheet with text to text, text to world, and text to self. Everything was related to the book Im a Wimp.
Making Connections,
Monday, 21 May 2018
New Zealand Flags
Today for reading I created a DLO between the differences of the New Zealand Naval Flag and the New Zealand Flag. To complete this task I also included the meaning of the Auckland Arm of Coats. I decided to use a google draw to layout my work.
Auckland arm of Coats,
New Zealand Flags,
Text messages Using Punctuation
Today for writing we were learning how to use punctuation in text bubbles. To write these messages we used a site called iphonefaketext I choose to have a sleepover with my friend Caroline. I created a google document to show the messages on the site I used and the messages with punctuation in it.
Click here to try this out:
Friday, 18 May 2018
Today was our second to last session for term 2 at Tamaki College Tech. Soon we will be changing topics. Our instructor today was Mr Grundy. Mr Grundy's class learnt all about how to create a pewter casting. Today everyone was finishing off their workbooks to get good marks on their reports. Jack, Marieta, and myself finished our projects off so we got to take it home to show our mothers. After finishing off my workbook I decided to make a presentation box for my mum. Before we got to take our pewter castings home Mr Grundy took a photo of our pewter castings. He did this to help him mark our reports and look at our project at the same time. This is my completed project and I am really proud of all the work I have done to impress my mum.
Pewter Casting,
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Today I created a completed google drawing about what is a metaphor. In my DLO I included the meaning of a metaphor, a season poem, examples of a metaphor, and 2 images of a metaphor. Read this google drawing to find out what a metaphor is and examples of a metaphor.
Rippa Rugby
This week for Kiwi sport was our first session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish. Today we just played a game of touch. This week was a testing week just to see how good we are at playing rippa rugby. This game was called netball rippa rugby. There were 3 teams. Each team took turns to play this touch game. There was a non bibs team and a bib team. This game was just like netball but with a rugby ball and a 2 hand touch.
Rippa Rugby
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our fourth session of term 2. Our teachers were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic for this term is Integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing even though know ones looking. In Kiwi can we played 2 energisers. Our theme for this term is making good choices. Making good choices means doing the right thing either then doing the bad thing. The first game we played was called opposites. In this game Ms Lily did some actions while we had to do the opposites to it. For example when Miss Lily puts her hand up we need to put our hand down. The next game we played was called protect the Jedi. In this game there were 2 teams. Each team protected their Jedi fro getting hit with the ball. Everyone threw balls to get people out from each team. Some teams managed to get the Jedi out. If someone catches a persons throw there out.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Word Cline - Sad
Today I created a word cline about the word sad. To complete this task I used powerful words to make my word cline look good. All of the words I used were synonyms of sad. I decided to pick sad for my word cline because they were one of the word clines I wrote down on my scarp paper. Word cline means having the same word in order but then your start to pick up more and more powerful words. For example I picked the word sad. The order of this will be sad, unhappy, upsetting, blue, and then heartbroken. Heart broken was the most powerful word on my word cline.
Word Cline
2 Day Wonder Poem
Today we wrote 2 Day wonder poems. A 2 day wonder poem is a poem having a bad day and a good day side by side. For example Nickaela and myself wrote a poem about Summer and Winter. In summer I hear excited voices everywhere, but in Winter I hear silent voices everywhere. To write this poem we used word clines and synonyms to find powerful words for our poem. We used juxtaposition to make our poem. Juxtaposition means two opposite things put together to make a effect.
2 Day Wonder,
Monday, 14 May 2018
Body System Game
This term for inquiry we have been learning about body systems. I learnt the labels of the body systems. After that I played a game called Skeletal System that helped me know the labels of the body system off by heart. I managed to get the score of 26.
Body System,
Skeleton System
Friday, 11 May 2018
Tech Reflection
Today was our second session of term 2 at Tamaki College Tech. Our instructor today was Mr Grundy. Mr Grundy's class learnt how to make pewter casting. Today most people were finishing their workbooks for good marks. Half of our marks come from our project and half of our marks come from our workbooks.
Pewter Casting,
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 10 May 2018
This week for Kiwi sport was our first session with Miss Morris. The first thing we did was passing the ball in a line. The next thing we did was passing the ball over and under to the person behind us. After that we played a warm up game. In this warm up game everyone got into 2 lines. When Miss Morris says go the first two leader at the front need to run to the green bib using a rugby ball. Once they've arrived there they need to do 2 start jumps and throw the ball to the next person in the line when they are standing on the red bib. The last game we played was King/Queen. Everybody tucked in a bib into there pants/skirts. When Miss Morris calls go everyone needs to run and try to grab as much bibs as they can off people in 1 minute 20 seconds. The person who wins is King/Queen.
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our third session. Our teachers were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic for this term is Making good choices.Making good choices is when someone decided to do the right thing either than doing the bad thing. Our theme for this term is Integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing even though the teachers are not there to supervise. In Kiwi can we played 1 energiser. This game we played was called captains ball. In this game there were 4 teams. Once Ms Miss Lily and Mr matt throws the ball everyone has to come in and try to catch it. Whoever catches the ball passes it to their teammates to shoot it in their captains hoop. The team that get's the ball in can illuminate a team. The last activity we did was master gkq. GKQ stands for General Knowledge Questions.
Kiwi Can,
Making good choices
Homonym Poetry
Today I learnt what a homonym is. Today I created a completed homonym DLO. In my DLO I included what a homonym is, examples of a homonym, and images of different homonyms. To find out what a homonym is read this google drawing about information based on homonyms.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Tables Conga - 6 Timetables
Today for maths I played tables Conga. Past the previous times I have been using Tables Conga to practice different kinds of timetables. This time I decided to try my 6 timetables. Tables Conga helps you learn different types of timetables. To play this game I used the 4 triangles on my keyboard to control me. In this game I collected all of the 6 times tables up to 60 and . In the game if the viruses (X) catch you then you will need to start again.
Click underneath if you want to try Tables Cong out:
6 Timetables,
tables conga
Mrs Gren
This term for inquiry we have been learning about the human system. Today myself and Marieta created a completed DLO about the 7 living process of Mrs Gren. Mrs Gren is a acronym that helps us remember the 7 living process which are: Movement, Respiration, Senses, Growth, Reproduction, Excrete, and Nutrition.
Human System,
Mrs Gren
How to Prevent a Cow Attack
Today for reading I made a completed DLO about How to survive a cow attack. To complete this activity I read a article called How to Prevent a Cow Attack on ThoughtCo. I managed to find some images of 2 cows and also 3 interesting facts about how to survive a cow attack.
If you want to find more about how to prevent a cow attack please click on the link underneath:
Cow Attack,
Lung Capacity in LS2
To Compare the lung capacity of students in LS2, We used one breath to blow up a balloon.Then we measured the circumference of the balloon in cm. Then we could graph the results to compare them.
Julian got the most lung capacity blowing a balloon.
Avalon got the lowest lung capacity blowing a balloon.
I was the only student who got a lung capacity of 54 blowing a balloon.
Julian got the most lung capacity blowing a balloon.
Avalon got the lowest lung capacity blowing a balloon.
I was the only student who got a lung capacity of 54 blowing a balloon.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Kind Person
This week for writing we have been working on writing poems using synonyms. I decided to make a poem about the word Kind. My poem was named Kind Person. In my poem I added synonyms that mean the same word as kind. At the end of each sentence I decided to end with a word that rhymes with Merciful. I used delightful and thoughtful.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Blogging Stars

Throughout the previous weeks I have been publishing at least 4 or 5 blog post a week. Altogether I have published 881 blog posts. At the moment I have published 100 blogs posts this year for 2018. Last week on Friday at assembly the manaikalani leaders chose me to the blogging star for last week.
Blogging Star
Today was our first session for term 2 at Tamaki College Tech. Our instructor today was Mr Grundy. Mr Grundy's class learnt all about doing pewter casting. Today some students were finishing off their workbooks to get good marks on their reports. My first pewter casting I did was a pregnant woman. I chose to make this for my mum because she is a professional midwife. Last week on Friday I started finishing off my workbook because I finished making my pewter casting for my mum. I was the first student to finish off my pewter casting.
Pewter Casting,
Tamaki College,
Thursday, 3 May 2018

Today at lunch time the year 7 and 8's practise how to skate in the hall. Puna taught us how to stand up when you fall, and also how to stop when your about to hit into someone. Everyone got their skating shoes on and started practising clockwise around the cones. Some people fell down but managed to stand up and keep on going. To stand up you need to kneel on 2 knees, then you hold one hand on one knee and try to stand up. After that you put your feet in a v shape so that you can start going. If your about to fall forward you need to take 2 hands in front of you to stop you from falling on your stomach.
The Unfinished Drink
Toady LS2 created special Google drawings about a solider named La Tour Mollet d'auvergne. To complete this google drawing I worked together with Angela. When the train came at 7:20 he left his beer with his friends and told them to make sure no one breaks it or touch it so that when he comes back he could finish the drink. Sadly La Tour Mollet did not return. Now the Waihao Forks Bar laid the bottle in a special box full of poppies to remember his last words and his last drink. I felt sad how they said he never returned which told me that he died overseas.
The Unfinished Drink
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Maori Legend Story
This week for inquiry we created a story book about a Maori legend story.This legend story was about Tane Mahuta the god of the forest who tried convincing Gods to make a woman who could get children. Chavda,Marieta, and myself used storyboard to retell this Maori Legend story. Story board helped us create a story using scenes, characters, and text boxes. The characters I used in our Maori Legend story were the gods,Tane Mahuta, Papatuinuku, and the brothers. In this story we used 6 cells to complete the Maori Legend story.
Click here if you want to try story board out:
Maori Legend Story
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
This week for reading our focus was learning different memorials. Everyone created a presentation to show the activities we have been studying. I decided to choose this slide about different types of memorials. For this task I found out the definition of memorial, an example of memorial, and 3 pictures of different memorials in Auckland. The memorials I chose were One Tree Hill, Bastion Point, and Auckland War Memorial.
Click here for the full presentation:
sophisticated picture book
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