
Friday 20 May 2016

Keyboard shortcut

Today I did my keyboard shortcut with Mrs Shearing. First Mrs shared us a link to Keyboard shortcuts. We had to choose one of our favourite shortcut. My one wasn't a Keyboard shortcut. I picked Drag a link to bookmarks bar. We had to write what our keyboard shortcut is and what does it do. I learnt that My one helps people do their work because if they have to get on their work immediately they can just go on their bookmarks and then your just on it straightaway. Instead of ting it on new tab


  1. Hi Mele I Love your Keyboard short cuts because I never knew about the one you chose. I also made something similar but a different key board shortcut.

    1. Thank you Nyjah for Commenting on my blog but just to let you know that my topic is not a keyboard shortcut it is a bookmark bar
      Thank you
