Last week Mr Johnston was our teacher, since Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick was at a teacher conference in America. Mr Johnston created tasks that helped us work collaboratively in our groups that we were put in. Today for maths I worked collaboratively with Jack, Fraidon, Junior, and Jay- Don. The task was to create a presentation including our personal thoughts about M&M's, 2 different graphs, history of M&M's, interesting facts about M&M's, and our answer to the mars company statement. The point of the personal thoughts part was to tell others the most common colour we thought would be the best and the amount of M&M's that will be inside a M&M packet. The person who got the closest answer to the correct answer was Junior. In total there were 55 M&M's in the packet, but Junior thoguh that there would be 50 in the packet. The fun part about this was when we got a chance to eat the M&M's. Everyone in my group got 11 M&M's each. I preferred blue as my colour because for me it's such an appealing colour to my eye when I look at it. Yesterday some groups started presenting there DLO's to the class. Today my group presented our collaborative DLO to the whole class. Did you know that 2 billion M&M's are produced every 8 hours. Did you also notice that peanut M&M's came out in 1954.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
The Inchacape Rock
This week our teacher was Mr Johnston, since Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpartrick went of to Chicago for a teacher conference. This week for reading Mr Johnston created tasks that will help us work collaboratively in groups of 5. We learnt all about what a ballad poem is and what is included in a ballad poem. A ballad poem is a poem that tells a long story. To complete this task I created a google draw showing the verse that I chose to write about from the ballad poem. Everyone were to read out there verses one at a time in front of the class. To make my google draw better I decided to add a image and the meaning of the verse and words.
Ballad poem,
The Inchacape Rock
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Today for reading we have been completing challenges that hep us work collaboratively in groups. Today for our reading task we have been learning information about M&M'S. Collaboratively means talking and communicating with others so that they understand that you have ideas to share to our challenges. Today for our M&M tasks we worked in a group to find out a lot of information about M&M's like who invented M&M'S. 2 facts that I found interesting was that peanut M&M's were invented in 1954 and over 400 million M&M's are made every day.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Cassey and Jeff Animated Story Example
Today was our fourth session for Digitech at Tamaki college.This is an example of an animated story that I recreated in scratch.
The components that I used to recreate this animated story included: Backdrops, Sprites, Dialogue and Speech Bubbles.
The codes that I used to recreate this animated story included:
- Events script to start the story,
- Looks script to enable the sprites to talk,
- Control script to show how many seconds each sprite would take to talk,
- Backdrop script to show where the setting took place.
Animated Stories,
Digi Tech
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Today was our another session of HIIT. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. HIIT helps us improve in our exercises. HIIT is when we do different types of workouts for 15 minutes. Each and everyone did there workouts for 30 seconds. Once 30 seconds is over we swap around with our partner, while we have a rest for 30 seconds. Today at HIIT we did 3 sets of pull ups, push ups and squats. Everyone managed to try there hardest to get there heart rates to the colour red. I liked the way my partner was supporting me when I was doing my workouts. The point of HIIT is to get pau te hau. Pau te hau means get puffed. On my last set I managed to make it the best set of all. I think that I was better than I did before.
Pau te hau,
Strength Exercises
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Making Connections
LI: Make connections text to text, text to world and text to self.
Today for this we made a making connection sheet. We read a book called Ready, Steady, Snack. We used text to text, text to world, and text to self to help us write our sentences for each box about the book we read. Before we started creating this sheet we did reciprocal reading based on a book called Ready, Steady, Snack. Reciprocal reading helps us improve in our vocabulary skills and close reading skills.
Making Connections,
Reciprocal Reading
Monday, 18 June 2018
Unicycle Tricks
This week for reading we have been learning how to answer questions by using some parts of the text and the question. Today for reading we were to find a youtube video about unicycle tricks. Before we started doing this task we completed a key to evaluation story. A key evaluation is a type of story that you answer using some parts of the question and the text. Today for reading we read a story called The Cycling Craze. The task was to find a youtube video showing unicycle tricks.
Unicycle Tricks
Friday, 15 June 2018
DigiTech Project - Initial Planning
Today at DigiTech today, we started the initial planning for our DigiTech Project. Before we started doing anything else we played a kahoot to remind us what our animated stories were going to be about. This included completing the following tasks:
Context Brainstorm
Conceptual Statement
Planning Timeframes
The purpose of the Context Brainstorm is to help us identify the facilities in the Tamaki area such as Te Oro or the Panmure Library.
The purpose of the Conceptual Statement was to write our own statements showing others what we think the age rate of our animated stories should be about.
The Purpose of the Planing Timeframes is to know how much time we will take to create our individual tasks.
Animated Stories,
Digi Tech,
Planning for Practise,
Tech Reflection
Today was our third session at Tamaki College Digi Tech. Our tech teacher today was Mrs Anderson. This week at tech Mrs Anderson tech group were completing individual tasks for there planing. We spend about 10-20 minutes doing each task. The tasks were called context brainstorm, conceptual statement and planning time frames. Before we started doing anything we played a game of kahoot to remind us that we understand what we are learning about in digi tech.
Digi Tech,
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Kiwi Sport

Today was our fifth session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish (Rippa Rugby Coach). First we played a game called rippa rush. In this game everyone had 2 rippa's on their belts. The point of this game was to try and rip peoples tag off before they ran to the other side. This week for kiwi sport we have been learning how to create a long wall to stop others from running to the other side. Everyone compressed together so that there wasn't a huge gap for someone to run through. Today the boy was also sharing the rugby ball to the girls so that they could at least have a run.
kiwi sport,
Rippa Rugby
Kiwi Can Reflection
Today for Kiwi Can was our sixth session of term 2. Our teachers were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic for this term is Integrity. Integrity means doing the right things even though no one is looking. Our new theme for this term is Accountability. Accountability means taking responsibility of your own actions. Accountability and integrity are our 2 values for this term. The meaning of value means the amount of how good your behaviour is. For example our school values is called care. Care stands for confidence, attitude, respect, and excellence and innovation. Every time we come to school we use our school values when we are sharing our learning to others. Being an accountability person is being trustworthy in everything you do. Honesty means owning up to your mistakes. Kiwi Can is here to teach us about key values in our life. The 3 games we played was based on the value accountability. They were called 2 truths and 1 lie, copy me and GKQ. In the game copy me the goal was to see which group had the most playing cards. To play this game each group copied the card number action that was on the board. So if the fortnite dance was number 7 and the card we chose was number 7 we were to the fornite dance. Next we played 2 truths, 1 lie. In this game there was 1 person that gave all of us 2 truths and 1 lie. Everyone was to try and find out the 1 lie. At Panmure Bridge School we show accountability by making sure that our chrome book is fully charged for the day and managing ourselves at tech and at school.
Kiwi Can
Today was our sixth session of HIIT. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. HIIT is when we do training workouts for 10 - 20 minutes. Today at HIIT we did 4 sets of split squat pulse, split squat jump, split squat, and star jumps. Everyone got there own polar heart rates and straps to use when doing our exercises. Our heart rates are for our teachers to see how good we've been doing throughout our HIIT sessions. Today my heart rate kept on going up to red which was really good. I use to be on orange but then I never gave up and I kept on going until I saw my number hit the colour red.
High Intensity Training,
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Facts about Geese
This week for reading we are learning how to link comments together just like a chain. Before we started making our DLO's we did a key to evaluation sheet. The article I read this week was called Fred's Decision. First I read the article and then I answered about 5 or 4 questions using some part of the text and question. The article was about a boy that used geese to guard his cars so that if anyone tries stealing his sport cars the geese will make a very loud noise. To complete this task I created a google draw showing 5 facts about geese and also a labeled geese.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Care Awards - Attitude - Why having a positive attitude is good
Today I blogged my last activity for attitude. To complete this task I created a Powtoon to share why having a positive attitude is good. In this Powtoon I included information about why you should have a positive attitude at all times. In this Powtoon I also included animated characters.
Care Awards - Attitude - What is PHN?
Today I have blogged my fourth activity for attitude.To get a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Finally I show our school principal. To complete this task I created a google drawing showing the meaning of phn. PHN stands for Public Health Nurse. I decided to create a google draw to show you information about what a phn is and the role of there job. Our Public Health Nurses are Leva and Elizabeth.
Care Awards,
What is PHN?
Care Awards - Attitude - Manu Ma'u
As part of my care awards I have finished my third activity for silver attitude. Today I created a task on my own. I created a google draw to share my learning. To complete this dlo I needed to research someone who has a positive attitude despite difficulties they have faced. In this google draw I included a image of Manu Ma'u and information about what his difficulties were. I also added 5 facts about him and his career.
Care Awards,
Manu Ma'u
Care Awards - Confidence - Teach your teacher a new skill
Today I created my fourth activity for confidence. Care is our school values. C is for Confidence, A is for Attitude, R is for Respect, and E is for Excellence and Innovation. I to choose 5 activities and then I started completing it. To complete this task I created a DLO to teach my teacher a new skill.
Care Awards - Confidence - Task created with teacher
As part of my care awards I have finished my last activity for silver confidence. Today I created a task with my teacher. As you can see that some students from LS2 worked together to make our school pedagogy. To complete our work we use Learn, Create, and share to share our learning.
Care Awards - Attitude - Inter school Soccer
As part of my care awards I have completed my first activity for silver attitude. Today I created a task on my own. As you can see that I've added a photo of a football in the field. I added this image to show you what I played in a inter school. To complete this task I used a image to show that I represented at a inter school sport. My team which is called PBS White came first out of the whole tournament. Everyone managed to share the ball around so that they could have a go at kicking the ball. We versed 5 schools and one of them was challenging to play against. Our final game was played against Stonefields b. We tried our best to score many goals and we won. This game was to see who placed either 1st or 2nd.
Care Awards,
Inter school Soccer
Care Awards - Attitude - Teach a skill
Today I have blogged my first attitude task.To receive a badge we needed to complete 5 activities for each care award. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leader and then show it to either one of my teachers. Finally we book an appointment with our school principal and we get it checked and signed off. To complete this task I tutor someone who needed extra help with a skill. I taught Joel a math strategy. The maths strategy is called tidy numbers. Joel learnt how to use a tidy number strategy to help her find the right answer to her equation. A tidy number is a number that ends with a 0 like 10, 20 or 30.
Care Awards,
Teach a skill
Care Awards - Confidence - Lead a school assembly
Today I have been blogging my confidence activities. To complete this task I needed to lead a school assembly. Above it shows you a image of me leading a school assembly. At assembly I presented with Jay Don. I decided to blog about leading a school assembly because all I needed to do was find the image that was taken of me speaking.
Care Awards,
Lead a school assembly
Make To Break Quiz
LI: Make evaluations based on the text. This week for reading we are learning how to link comments together. Today for reading my group read a non fiction book called make to break. Everyone took turns at responding and commenting about the book. One person said a respond while the others linked to there respond but saying comments. To complete this task I created a google document showing a image of the book we read and the questions and answers. The answers are in blue and the questions are in black.
Make to Break,
Read Theory
This image shows you my progress I have done towards my reading on read theory. Read theory is a reading site that helps me develop my reading knowledge. First you need to read a text and then answer some questions. If you get a answer wrong you will stay on your current level, but if you get everything right you will move a level up. My goal is to achieve my reading skills and go to grade 4 or 5.
Read theory,
Friday, 8 June 2018
Today was our fifth session of Rippa Rugby with Hamish (Rippa Rugby Coach). This week at kiwi sport we have been learning how to side step when someone is trying to rip our tag off. We also played a game of rippa rugby with different teams. Our goal in the game was to try and spin or step from avoiding someone from ripping your tags off.
Kiwi Can,
Rippa Rugby
Today for Kiwi Can was our fifth session of term 2. Our teachers were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic for this term is Integrity. Integrity means doing the right things even though no one is looking. Our new theme for this term is Role Models. A role model is a person you look up to. For example I look up to my mother because she is a midwife. A midwife is a dream come true for me. In kiwi can we have been play energisers and learning at the same time. One of the activities we played was called in and out. In this game everyone got in a circle. Everyone's foots was joint to the other persons foot. There were 2 balls in the middle. The goal of this game was to try and roll the ball under someones legs.
Kiwi Can,
Role Model
Student Led Conferences
This term we have been practising our student led conferences. A student led conference is when you showcase your learning to your family. Yesterday night myself and Ofa presented our learning to my dad. First we introduced my dad to our 2 teachers and then we started showing our learning around the class. Everyone that came to student led conferences created a dlo showing links to our digital learning. Before we left our class myself and Ofa showed our digital learning to my dad. He was really impressed in what we have been learning in class and also the feedback from our teachers.
Student Led Conferences
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