On your blog, post a video or write a description about your week. What have you learned? What did you like about the trip? What didn’t you like? Was there anything that surprised you?
To earn full points for this activity, you must talk about what you learned, what you liked and what you about your great kiwi road trip.
Throughout this week with the Winter Learning Journey I have learnt loads about New Zealand. I have enjoyed doing the activities that Rachel did for us. My favourite activity was taking a photo of myself doing something relaxing. I learnt that some New Zealanders didn't know that Traditional Maori meant Hangi. I also love pretending to visit/travel to places. I didn't like seeing whales die from people fishing them by accident. There was something that surprise me which is when I got feedback from Rachel saying that I was welcome back to the Winter Learning Journey again. My great kiwi road trip was really good to adopt animals.