This week for tech was our last session of tech. Our tech teacher was Ms Ferguson. Today we learnt the differences between analogous colours and complementary colours. A analogous colour is a colour that is next to each other. A complementary colour is a colour that is opposite each other. Above shows the DLO and the drawing that I created on my own. For my complementary colours I decided to use orange, blue, and purple to colour in my Fanta. For my next logo I will be colouring the Fanta, by using analogous colours. At the moment im still colouring in my analogous Fanta drawing.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Leadership Challenges
This week is the leadership week for the year 7's. Leadership week is when the year 7's gather together to develop their leadership skills. Yesterday we all got into groups and we started completing different challenges together. Throughout these challenges we were communicating, collaborating, and showing team work. Our first task was a given question that needed to be answered by our groups. The question was how can you motivate others to drink water. It was challenging, because we weren't allowed to talk during this challenge. Our team's idea was to create an animation based on kids drinking water. We also discussed about the word teamwork. Teamwork to us means a group of people coming together to share new ideas and agree on each others opinions. After this we headed to the hall to complete another challenge. For this challenge we were to create the largest pyramid by using isometric diamonds. We worked as a group by discussing what each person was to do during this challenge. Angela and I were tracing around the template, while Jonathan and Julian were cutting it out and placing it on the piece of paper. As a result Alex's group won for this challenge. Lastly we were to find another group to work with. This time we were to gather our shapes together and build the largest pyramid. This time we were allowed to talk. In my group I had Angela, Julian, Jonathan, Jack, Neveah, Avalon, Chavda, and myself. This meant that there were 2 groups with 8 people in it. Before starting this challenge we came together to discuss about what each person was going to do. Avalon, Angela, and Neveah were drawing, while Chavda and I were tracing the templates. Jack and Julian were placing it on, while Jonathan was collecting the isometric diamonds for the cutters. As a result our group won this challenge. Were all enjoyed our time, but at the end of the day everyone are winners.
Paper Plane Analysis
This week is leadership week for the year 7's. Leadership week is when the year 7's gather together and grow their leadership skills. This week the year 7's have been completing team challenges to help us develop our leadership skills. For this challenge we were to find new groups. In my group I had Angela, Aung Naing, Alex, and myself. Together we communicated, collaborated, and discussed about this challenge. For this we were to find a helpful website that taught us how to create a paper plane. Together my group and I found a website that taught us how to create a fast paper plane. After creating these paper planes we were to go outside and start throwing our paper planes as a group. As a class the year 7's gathered together and threw their planes group by group in the hall. As a result for the team challenge Julian's group won with a score of 14.1. The furthest throw was Chavda with a result of 14.5. Above shows the DLO that we created together. The graph above shows the distances of each person's throw.
Paper Plane Analysis,
Friday, 23 November 2018
Today Panmure Bridge School participated in the athletics day. Athletics is when you do a bunch of field activities with your class. There were 4 house colours. They were red, blue, yellow, and green. There were 9 field events. They were rob the nest, hurdle and sponge relay, shot pot, discus, lifesaver, egg and spoon race, rest/dance station, long jump, and the Frisbee race. My house group was red. In my group I had Jeremiah, Harlem, Chavda, and Junior. We all enjoyed the activities that we participated in. We had students from Tamaki College to help us with the activities. My favourite activity was the hurdle and sponge relay, because I liked it how I got wet. The last field event that we did was sprints. Each year group had a different meter mark to run from. Overall I came 2nd for the year 7 girls.
Field Events,
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Read Theory Progression
Today as an activity LS2 created read theory bar graphs. First we needed to find 3 grade levels that we progressed during February, July, and November. I first started on grade 3 and then I moved up to grade 5. I am currently on grade 6 moving up to grade 7. Read theory is a helpful site, because it helps develop peoples reading knowledge and language.
Read theory,
Friday, 16 November 2018
Myths and Facts - Wolves
This week at Panmure Bridge is book week. Book week is when we do activities to help us develop our reading skills. Last time we created a DLO based on information about Meerkats. After creating the Meerkats DLO Mrs Anderson read another book. It was called Wolves. This book was illustrated and written by Emily Gravett. After Mrs Anderson read it to us we were to make a T chart. This T chart included myths and facts. A myth is something you know and a fact is something true. For this task we were to write down we we knew and what we learnt. One of the myths that I already knew was that wolves are types of dogs, because both can reproduce a dog or wolf.
Myths and Facts,

This week at Panmure Bridge is book week. Last time we created a bar graph based on our reading questions that we got asked. After creating the bar graph Mrs Anderson read one of her favourite childhood books to us. It was called Meerkat Mail. This book was illustrated and written by Emily Gravett. After listening to this book we were to create a DLO that explained facts and information about Meerkats. Above shows the DLO that I created on my own.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Bar Graph - Do Illustrations matter? Why
This week Panmure Bridge School had a book week. A book week is when we do activities that reflect back to information based on books. Today LS2 did a bus stop challenge. A bus stop challenge is when a group of people answers the question in about 1-2 minutes. Before doing this we were to get into groups. One we were in our groups we were to start writing as many answers as we could. One of the questions that we answered was do Illustrations matter? Why. Every group was to write on every paper. There were a lot of answers as we counted. After this happened we were to choose one of the questions and create a bar graph based on our chosen question. Marieta and I chose this question, but we created our own graphs. The amount of yeses that we found were 18, and the amount of no's that we found were 2. One of the answers were yes, because it makes the book more appealing and no, because a good book should be able to make you imagine.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
World War 1 Questions
Today Marieta and I created a DLO based on our questions of World War 1. For this task we were to create a DLO that included information about our question and images about our question. Before we started creating this DLO we were to note down questions about World War 1. After that we were to choose one of the questions and talk about it. Marieta and I decided to answer the questions what was the food like in World War 1. Marieta and I used our researching skills to find helpful websites that helped us find information about based on our question. Did you know that during this event families sent parcel to their husbands, sons, and brothers?
Friday, 9 November 2018
Armistice Commemoration Day
Today as a celebration the whole of Panmure Bridge School gathered together for the remembrance of the Armistice Commemoration. We had a representative from the New Zealand Defence Force that joined us. We also had 3 members of our school's board of trustees join us too. This day was a day for our school to gather together and mark the day of the Armistice Day. We celebrated this event by creating poppies. The Armistice Day represented those countries who signed a paper in order to stop the battle. In this event 3 of our school leaders, Mr Johnston, and Ms Kirkpatrick spoke for this event. First of all Ofa started off by saying the prayer. Then Tiava and Jeremiah said the Ode that was translated in Maori and English. During this event Ms Kirkpatrick read a poem based on this Armistice Commemoration. After that the whole school was to stand up and face the flag in silence as it was coming down. Before this event had started each class placed their poppies on the cross. Throughout this event happening 2 students from each class were to stand up and place their huge poppies onto the fence. Jack and I were the students from our class that stood up and placed the poppies onto the fence. At the back of these poppies we wrote our names on it. After this ended the representative from the New Zealand Defence Force came and talked to us.
Armistice Commemoration,
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Armistice Day
Today as a remembrance LS2 created collages based on Armistice Day. For this task we were to create a collage by including images of the Armistice Day. At the same time we learnt about Armistice Day. Did you know that is was signed on the 11th of November 1918. I also created a google drawing based on Armistice Day. This google drawing had silhouette photos of some soldiers that I drew. To complete this task we were to draw a image based on Armistice Day. Savelina and I decided to draw several of images to present this day. Did you know that Germany was forced to $35 billion for the cause of damage?
Armistice Day
Friday, 2 November 2018
Tech Reflection
Today for tech was our third session of Tech. Today our teacher was Ms Ferguson. Today we did something a bit different. Today's task was set on a piece of paper using a pair of compass, ruler, and a pencil. For this task we were to draw one of the followings: flower, cube, or a star. I decided to draw a flower, because it was easier for me to draw, since Ms Ferguson drew it. Drawing this helped us practise how to use a compass. The shapes that I used to draw my flower was circles. After drawing our flower we were to colour it in by using colouring felts, or colouring pencils.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our third session of Term 4. Our teachers were Ms Paige and Mr Matt. Going to Kiwi Can helps us develop our key value skills. Our theme for this term is respect. Respect means treating others the way you want to be treated. Showing respect is one of the values at our school. This means that everyone is to show respect to all teachers. Today at Kiwi Can we talked about rules. At Panmure Bridge School we have rules. One of them is wearing the correct school uniform. Today our group was given a question to answer. The question was if you were to change on of the school rules what would it be. Most people said that we should be able to wear mufti to school. Having rules at our school is great, because it tells other schools that we can follow rules that we are given to follow.

Today was our second session of boxing with Pax. Today we did the same thing as we did last week. This meant that last week we learnt how to jab and cross by pivoting our back leg. Today we learnt how to uppercut left and right, and hook left and right. We also learnt how to move our legs when we made our punch. When we were to uppercut left and right we were to move our body, so that we had added more power into it. When we were to hook left and right we were to more our too. When making a move with our legs we were to put one leg at the front and the other at back then we either moved forward or backwards.
Collaborative Comprehension - Battle of the Somme
This week we have been completing different types of collaborative comprehension tasks. These tasks were set by Mrs Anderson to help us on our comprehension tests. One of the tasks that we completed was called the Battle of the Somme. During this activity we found some questions hard, but we were able to skim and scan for the correct words. This text was based on the World War 1 battle. For this task we were to read the text carefully and then answer the questions using our evidence. This was great, because not only did everyone have their answers, but they had evidence to back up their opinions. This week I worked with Avalon to finish this comprehension task. This weeks activity was all about inquiry.
Basic Facts Boxes
This week for math's Mrs Anderson's math's group did the same thing as last week. We were to complete one of the revision challenges that were set to complete. I decided to complete 2 revision challenges. I completed the basic facts boxes and the math's addition and division problems. Last week I completed the addition box up to 20, but this week I completed the subtraction box up to 20. Answering these questions were helpful, because not only did I get all of them correct, but I got the chance to use different strategy's throughout our math's sessions.
Basic Facts Boxes,
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