Today for the PBS blogging I did my last activity for day 1 ( Bonus Activity). For this activity I had to pick a ride from Rainbow End and then write down who I would recommend it to any why I would do it. I made this by using Google Drawings. I decided to recommend this to my best friend Marieta.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
PBS Learning journey-Bonus Activity-Recommend
Today for the PBS blogging I did my last activity for day 1 ( Bonus Activity). For this activity I had to pick a ride from Rainbow End and then write down who I would recommend it to any why I would do it. I made this by using Google Drawings. I decided to recommend this to my best friend Marieta.
Bonus Activity,
PBS Blogging
PBS Learning Journey- Stratosphere- Activity 2
This is my second activity for the PBS blogging. For this activity I had to write down the restriction for the stratosphere ride and also why I think there is a height restriction for this ride. I made this by using google drawings. I decided to use 3 images including some writing underneath.
activity 2,
PBS Learning Journey-Activity 1-Rainbow End-Day 1
This holidays half of LS1 and LS2 decided to participate in the PBS blogging holiday journey. I was one of them that decided to participate. The first activity was part of using my researching skills. I had to find out where Rainbow End was located and how much it would cost for a family pass.I also had to use google maps to find out where Rainbow End was located in.
Activtity 1,
Friday, 29 September 2017
Flipgrid-Suffrage Movement

LI: To find and compare similarities and differences between suffragettes around the world. This term for reading we have learnt lots about the suffrage movement. The challenges I've been blogging helped me a lot for my last activity. For this activity my whole group ( Duffy Kids) had to find interesting facts about the suffrage movement. We also had to proof check our facts that we wrote down. We used flip grid to record each and everybody saying something about what happened back in the suffrage movement.Duffy kids all decided to do this task on the last week because everybody else in our group was busy doing other activities. The time limit was 1 minute and 30 seconds. Click on here to take you to ourselves recording.
suffrage movement
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Reading Log
LI: To understand what I read about. This week for reading I decided to do a reading log. For this reading log I had to read a book and then summarise about it. The next thing I did was to write down what happened. I learnt what to give in a summarise and how to do it.
Book title: The secret Invention
Date: 29 September
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Summary: Who- Colette ( Colette's favourite colour is pink. She also looks like a mouse and everything she wears is pink). Violet ( Violet loves studying and learning new things. Violet is a fan of music and dreams of becoming a famous violinist. Violet has blue hair. Pamela ( Pamela loves pizza so much that she wished she could have it for breakfast. She is just like a mechanic who can fix anything including motors so she gets her paws ready.) Paulina ( Paulina is shy and love to read anything about overseas places. But the one thing is that she loves travelling to places. Nicky ( Nicky is from Australia and she she loves the nature and environment.( THEY ALL HAVE MOUSE EARS)
reading log
Tables Conga
This week for a can do I decided to play tables conga. I did my 9 times tables because I passed my other ones. Tables conga helps you with your times tables. If you would like to try it click on this link.

Smart Comment
Today for blog commenting I commented on Fui's maths blog post. As you can see that I made a smart comment to Fui.
blog comment,
Raz Kids
LI: To understand what book I have read. This week for reading I decided to read a book called Can I vote?. I read this because it was elections and also elections are happening in New Zealand. Since I read this book I got 10 starts. At the moment I have more than 2350 stars.
Pencil Code and Mixed Problems
LI: To problem solve. This week for maths we had 3 activities to finish off. The first task was compulsory which meant ( It had to be finished). We had to answer problems using add/sub, pro/rat, and mul/div. The answer didn't matter but the layout and the working out mattered. The second task I did was the pencil code one. For the pencil code we had to use the coordinates to make 3D shape. The shape that I did was a rectangle. The next task I did was the times tables one. In the times tables one we had to create a grid full of times tables up to 10. White was-Nothing written- Purple Wrong- Green Correct.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017
LI: To identify information about democracy. This week for inquiry we learnt a lot about democracy. I learnt how democracy got its name and the meanings of it in a different language. I learnt this by reading an article and also using my researching skills to find out how the name Democracy was made. Click on this link to find out how the word democracy was made.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Can Do
Today for a can do I played a knowledge game called free rice. In free rice you can try out nay kind of subject. I decided to chose grammar. As you can see that I've donated 130 grains of rice to poor. I got everything correct except for 3. Here is the link of you wan't to have a go at it.
Smart Comment

Today for blog commenting I decided to comment on Mojtaba's reading. As you can see that I've written a smart comment to Mojtaba.
LI: To learn how to throw a shot pot. This week for kiwi sport was our last day of Run/Jump/Throw. For kiwi sport I learnt techniques for throwing a shotpot. I also learnt that it includes dirty fingers, dirty neck, clean palm, and elbow up. One of the favourite things I enjoyed was watching my ball go further then I tried the other time. Seoncdavle you will need have you're chin, knee, toe all in a row after that you have go low then high and watch it fly.
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can we had new Kiwi Can leaders. There names were Mrs Piho and Mr Latu. This week for Kiwi can our big focus was called Re silence. Re silence mean trying your best and never giving up. This Wednesday we played games that would be challenging for people. Our first game we played was milimili. In the game Mr Latu had to be in the middle and when he points at someone saying the word we have to do the actions and make the sound. One of the sounds was rah h for Tiger. The next thing we did was talking all about challenging and also giving examples of you doing it. Eventually we played a hula hoop game. We had to challenge our other class LS1 A. In the game we had to do it individual but working together as a whole team. Each cone represented different type of point. 1st cone was 10 points, 2nd cone was 20 points, and the last cone was 50 points. Mr Ogilivie was the only one to get 50 points but the rest of us got only 20 and 10. I got 10 points because it was easier for me to throw. If the hula hoop rebounds and goes over the cone is still counts. Finally we play General Knowledge Questions for short we called it GKQ. Alex was in the middle that meant that he was the master and he goes around challenging others for questions. If the master got beaten by the person then that person that bate the master is the new master.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Reading Jigsaw
LI: To find and compare similarities and differences between suffragettes around the world.This week for reading I decided to do 2 activities a week. I did a activity called the Jigsaw. For this activity I had to research any suffragette from any country and write down everything for each column. I learnt by giving information about different suffragettes from different country's and I learnt this by using my researching skill and also reading some interesting information about the suffrage movement. The most website that helped me was Wikipedia.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Party Vote Jigsaw
LI: To understand what elections are.This week for inquiry our topic is still between relationships but a bit more exploring. This week our learning is called Elections. Elections is a day for 18+ people to vote for new party leader. I have learnt a lot of things about the electorate and also the leaders for each party votes. I learnt this by watching videos and using some of my researching skills. I also learnt this by attributing the images to help the readers understand where I got the image from instead of just grabbing it.
Monday, 18 September 2017
LI: To make connections,identify main ideas, summarise, evaluate, and synthesise fact through learning conversations. This week for reading was a group challenge which means to work together as a group. For this activity my group had to first read 2 articles about the suffrage movement and then find 20 important words about the suffrage from the articles we read. After that we had to get together as a group to tell each other the 6 most important words about woman's having the right to vote over the pass few years. Finally we had to use those 6 important words to sum up big 3 sentence using all the important 6 words.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Maths Art
LI: To create a piece of art using: rotation translation, and reflection. This week for maths we had to create our own piece of art. At first we had to start planning it out and then start to draw out our patterns on small piece of papers. We all had a chance knowing what to make our pattern look good. If you want to make you pattern look the same then you can draw out your pattern in vivid and then copy it with your other ones. We all started painting/colouring in our patterns. The patterns had to include light colour on dark or dark colour on light. Painting was difficult for my shape. My shape was called the faithfulness. A moon and flower included in it. As you can see for our art we had to use rotation,reflection, and translation.We got to use pastel,dye and paint. The normal colours we used were red,green, and blue. Green was in paint- Dark on Light, Blue was in crayon and dye- light on dark, red was pastels- light on dark too.
Can Do- Times Tables
Today for my can do I decided to play a maths game called tables conga. In the game I had to control the red player by using the 4 triangles on the keyboards. I learnt my 6 times table.I also learnt what to do if a virus is running near you. I learnt it by trying to collect all of the 6 times tables up to 60 and focusing at the same time. In the game if the viruses (X) catch you then you will need to start again. If you want to have a go at it just click on this link and it will take you through. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the game and click on which times tables you really need to work on first.
Times tables
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Haiku Poem
LI: To create our own poem. This week for inquiry we had to chose out of the 4 that we wanted to write about. I decided to write a Haiku poem. My Haiku poem was about autumn based on the colours of it and where is spread and what you will need to do to clear it away. I used a website called Haiku Site. We had to include a rhythm and syllables.
Maori Language Week
LI: To create a DLO about your understanding of Maori Language week. This week is Maori language week. Nearly every school makes something about Maori language week. I learnt to give more of my understanding about Maori language week and trying to pronounce it out. I also learnt many different things about Maori months,numbers and more. I learnt this by using different kind of resource links that can help me. I also learnt this by using vacaroo recording website to record what I've been saying for Maori Language week.
LI: To create a persuasive speech. This week for writing we had to brainstorm our speech on a site called coggle. We also had to write down facts and opinions to back up our topic. I learnt how to write a school speech. I learnt this by watching 3 videos that will persuade and convince others.First we had to make a coogle and then start doing our brainstorm about our own based topic.
convience writing
LI: To make connections,identify main ideas, summarise, evaluate, and synthesise fact through learning conversations. This week for reading we have a few more activities to go through. Today for this activity I had to work together with my reading group. The task was to read through 2 articles and then write down 20 important words, 6 MOST important words, and then 6 words to sum up in the text in a few sentences. Our group had to gether together and start reading the articles while skimming through for the most important words.
Monday, 11 September 2017
Smart Comment
Today for smart commenting I had to comment on a students blog from Tamaki Primary school in room 10. For Aja's blog I decided to comment on her food tech blog post about what they cooked at tech-Tamaki College. A smart comment need to include a positive attitude, a question, encouragement, and a formal greeting when starting your comment.
smart comment
Suffrage POV
LI: To make connections, identify main ideas, summarise, evaluate, and synthesise facts through learning conversation. This week for reading I decided to do my own POV about suffrage. I learnt giving information about suffrage and how I learnt it was by doing activities that will help me learn about suffrage. The must do was to write your own POV telling others about the suffrage movement.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Art Work
LI: to create a piece of art using rotation, translation, and reflection. This week for maths we are focusing on planning for making any kind of culture pattern-art. For our art we had to include 3 transformation- reflect,rotation, and translation. We also got to choose what colours we were going to use for our art. My pattern was a moon and sun.
Pattern Poems
LI: To identify vocabulary and language features for use in writing a poem. This week for inquiry we are focusing on poetry patterns and features. I learnt many kind of different names for different type of scenes. I also learnt different kind of vocabulary. I learnt this by doing dozens of activities about poetry patterns and language features. Our must do was to make a poster picking one of the posters we've read/look through showing literal ( simple sentence) figurative ( metaphor,personification and simile.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Free Rice

Today for a can do I decided to play free rice. I have donated 160 grains of rice to the poor. As you see that I've donated more than 100 grains of rice. For this I worked on the meaning of words.
LI: To create a sketch note that show your understanding. This we for Mr Ogilivies reading groups we will be doing activities about the elections. Our goal was to finish 2 activities a week each. For the first activity I worked with Fau and for this activity I worked by myself. For the activity I had to write the meaning of Radical,Suffragette, and vote using a mixture of tools to sketch down some notes.

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LI: To understand my timestables. Today for a can do I played tables conga. Tables conga is a game that can develop more skills to help you with your timestables. I go everything correct. |
times table,

Today for commenting I decided to comment on Carl's read theory poster. As you can see that I've written a smart comment to him. I decided to comment on his blog post because I've never commented on any of his posts.
Kiwi Can
This week we were focusing on Risky Behaviour. Risky Behaviour is when you have frailer,loss or danger. Our first game we played was called Bip,Bob,Bounce. The game was to say bang before the teacher said the whole phrase. Our next game we played was a sitting game. We had to work altogether to no fail. In the game we had to get in a circle and sit down on each others knees. If we failed then that meant that we don't work as a class.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Persuasive Speech
Persuasive speech plan
My topic: Littering is the worst
My argument: Littering is the worst because it can kill our animals
Audience: Panmure Bridge School
How will you greet your audience?
Greetings everybody
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?
I think that littering should be stopped because it can make our world look untidy.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: Do you want our school to look like a dumping yes/no
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: If we keep littering our rubbish can float into the drains and then where to next? The ocean literally where our sea animals live in.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion: After our waste is collected from our rubbish bins it is mostly buried in big holes in the ground called landfill sites. Wasting more and more rubbish can make our landfill look more terrible.
Once the sea animals catch anything they will eat it knowing that it hasn't been touched by us. For example the turtles will dive into it munching rubbish all up making their throats get blocked by the amount of rubbish we've littered.
Do you have a solution to the problem?
We have rubbish everywhere out in public that people can use. Even though there's no bins around then hold it either then throwing it around.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion.
I hope you guys enjoyed what I have been telling you. I warn you and saying that you won't want New Zealand to look like a dumping ground.
Persuasive speech plan
My topic: People should be over 13+ to get a cellphone
My argument: They should get cellphone 13+ because
Audience: Panmure Bridge School
How will you greet your audience?
Good Afternoon/ Good Morning My Name is Mele, Today I will be giving you a speech to why
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?
I think that Cell Phones should only be given to people over 13+ because once they grow older and they go college they will need a phone to meet up with their family knowing what they need help with.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: What's wrong with having a cellphone at school?.. Well You know it can really take time of our learning, Plus it could get stolen anyways. It ain't my fault.
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: I am for giving cellphones to 13+ because there clearly old enough to have a cell phone, also if you parents have no idea where you are then they can call/text you.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion:
Do you have a solution to the problem?
Yes because if we go camp were obviously gonna miss our family right?
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with yI am against bringing our Cell Phones to school it can take our learning away and kids may be addicted to what they love doing on their Cell Phones every day.If you don't agree then you never know what you're doing. Plus you could be talking to someone you don't.This can cause the stranger to Stalk you and then you can get kidnapped.
Thank you
Persuasive speech plan
My topic: No Smoking
My argument: About no smoking anywhere or anytime
Audience: Panmure Bridge School
How will you greet your audience?
Namaste,Malo E Lelei,Talofa, and greetings everybody
How will you introduce your topic in a catchy way?
I think that we should stop smoking because cigarettes can make our world look untidy.
Write a rhetorical question to make the audience think about your topic: What do you feel like if you parents passed from smoking?
What is your opinion? Write a statement that clearly states your point of view: I am against smoking anywhere because from what your parents are doing can kill them. Smoking can damage and cause a heart problem.
List some facts or statistics that support your opinion:
Do you have a solution to the problem?
My solution is that if parents/teens stopped smoking it will be easier for their life either than caring about smoking.
Say your opinion again and warn the audience what will happen if they don’t agree with your opinion.
I am against smoking anywhere because from what your parents are doing can kill them. Smoking can damage and cause a heart problem. If you're for me then suit yourself.
Thank you for listening.
LI: To create a persuasive speech. This week for Mr Ogilvy group we are focusing on persuasive speeches.I learnt about what type of information a speech should have in it and I learnt it by watching a video about persuasive. Persuasive means to convince. First we had to get in our groups and work together on a site called padlet. We had to gather all of our ideas about what we think should be against/for. After that we had to make 3 copies of the speech planning and write about 3 topics.
Monday, 4 September 2017
Keyboarding Drills Level 2

LI: To use the correct fingers. Today for daily 6 I decided to do Keyboarding Drills level 2. It was easy for me but at the same time great for me to learn. I learnt to use the correct fingers without looking at the keyboard. I learnt this by practising all over again when I did a mistake.
Kate Shepard
LI: To understand information about Kate Shepard. This week for reading we have dozens of work to finish for 4 weeks. For this activity I decided to work with Fau. We worked together and talked at the same time trying to summarise what we read about Kate Shepard before writing it down. I learn to give more information about Kate Shepard using my researching skills and trying to find other useful sites for me to read about Kate Shepard. I learnt this by reading 3 sites about Kate Shepard and also her life. It helped me by finding information and at the same time writing it down im my own specific words.
kate shepard,
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