Today LS2 went through another week of Tech at Tamaki College. The year 7's are with Mr Grundy, the year 8A are with Ms Fergsuon, while the year 8B are with Mr Naicker. For tech most people continued on, by fileing the edges of their handles. Jack, Te Pounamu, and I were fileing the blade of our pizza cutters. Previously I had been using 2 types of sandpapers to make the edges of my handle smooth and flat. To make it better I polished it when finishing using the sandpaper.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 22 March 2019
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Blog Post Data Analysis
As a great start off for today LS2 have been completing their blog post analysis graphs, based on the amount of blog posts that they have completed. To make it more interesting we were asked to find the average amount of blog posts for each month for each year we have been blogging. Once we finished creating our bar graphs, we made a google drawing that explained information about our bar graphs. I started in 2015. I believe that I did great, because I tried my best to complete at least 3 blog posts. I found it interesting that in 2018 I received more blog posts than any other year. At the moment I am the first person to earn my 1000 blogs posts badge at PBS. The reason why I have the amount of blog posts is, because I participated in the Summer Learning Journey, which made me publish a lot of posts. Xtramaths was one of the posts that was published every morning in 2015-2016. I have created a screencastify to show you how to create your own blog post analysis.
Blog posts,
Data analysis,
LS2 2019,
Today was another session of tech. Our tech teacher was Mr Naicker. For tech we continued, by filing down the edges. Jack and I started sandpapering our handles to make it feel nice and smooth. I am currently using 2 types of sandpapers to make the edges of my hand base smooth. I have chosen to make a cake cutter, which will be a great thing to make. I have finished making the top of my handle smooth, but I need to work on making the sides of it nice. The year 7's are with Mr Grundy, while the Year 8A is with Ms Ferguson.
Mele 2019,
Metal Work,
Tamaki College,
Year 8B
Thursday, 14 March 2019
DARE Impact Message

This week we received a special visit from Constable Cyrus. He is currently at police officer that works at Onehunga Police Station. He came over to our class to talk about Drugs, Cigarettes and Alcohol. It was a great experience to see what he taught us, because we asked questions that was he was able to answer. Did you know that a unborn child has no choice, but to drink whatever their mother has had. We were told different scenarios about drink drivers. Above shows a created poster that Mele and I had created together. We have added a lot of strong facts.
Constable Cyrus,
making choices,
Mele 2019
Stretching Sentences
This week for writing LS2 practiced how to write stretching sentences to make our sentences more powerful/detailed. A stretch sentence is a sentence that is added with powerful words into it. Above shows the creative google drawing that I created on my own about stretching sentences. It gives you the opportunity to find out what is the purpose of a stretching sentence, how you write one, and a example about a cartoon character. Using a stretched sentence will need to include the 5 w's. This means that you have improved your sentences, by adding detailed words into it.
Adding detail,
Mele 2019,
Stretching Sentences,
Ki o Rahi
Today LS2 completed another week of Ki o Rahi. Our kiwi sport teacher is Shanesse. Ki o Rahi is a game that retells the legend of Rahi. Today was all about fair and honesty. Each team also showed encouragement to each other. We managed to share the ball between both girls and boys. As an excitement we used rippa's today. To make this game work there were 2 teams, which were Taniwha and Keuma. To start the game off 1 person from the Taniwha team is to kick the ball to the Kaitiaks, as they are to catch it. Once the Kaitiak's have catched it they need to try and pass it to their team, which is in Te Ao - outside of the world. Their team it to then run around and score points. If they get both of their rips taken off they are to hand the ball over to the other team. This team then tries to hit the Tupu, while the Kaitiaki is trying to block. If 2 are taken off their belts they can pass it to anther team and score the point.
Kiwi Can
This week we completed another session of Kiwi Can. Our tutors were Miss Page and Mrs Mac. For the past few weeks we have been learning about positive relationships and communication. Kiwi Can have changed our theme to cooperation. Cooperation is a group/team of people that come together to share their ideas/opinions.Positive relationships is a friendship that is created between 2 people. We enjoyed playing 2 energizers that linked to cooperation. In the last game we used different types of strategies to help us get to the other side. Last weeks catchphrase was " Talk to me, so you can see me, someone with positivity."
Kiwi Can,
LS2 2019,
Mele 2019,
Positive Relationships
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
What word's Look Like
Today as an excitement for reading, Rakino group read Oakley Creek. This book was interesting, because it reflects back to our inquiry topic. We worked collaboratively as group, by giving each other the opportunity to read a sentence. For this we used reciprocal reading, which helps us understand what the book was about. After doing this we defined 2 important words, which were dilemma and guilt. These 2 words belong to someone has been peer pressured. Guilt is someone who knows that they did something wrong, but don't want to regret what actually happened. Dilemma is someone that is in the middle of a situation, that is finding it difficult to find the correct pathway. We each drew pictures that represented dilemma and guilt. My image is about someone who is finding it difficult to find the right path to enter. The reason why we did this task was to help us understand the meaning of these two words.
Authors Message,
Mele 2019,
Rakino Group,
Monday, 11 March 2019
Self/Buddy Writing Evaluation
Why are single used plastic bags being banned?
Do you love using single used plastic bags? Why? Plastic bags take 400 years to break down. One of the reasons for this problem is that these bags are used once and then they get thrown away into the landfill. Since this is happening Jacinda Ardern announces that single used plastic bags will be banned in the middle of next year.
Most people believe that using single used plastic bags can affect our sea marine animals. Sea animals, like turtles imagine plastic bags as a jellyfish, because of its blank colour. Using these bags can cause a huge environmental problem to this world, because of our actions. To support this New Zealanders are starting to sign petitions in order to make sure that these bags will be banned. Sea turtles can be important to most of us, because some can be a favourite animal to a child.
Once a sea animal sees these plastic bags they start off by munching onto it. After this has happened the bag then chokes around their body, which makes it hard for them to breathe. It is important to start thinking about what we do when going to shopping. Most people buy single used plastic bags all the time, while others bring reusable bags to shopping. Each supermarket has the ability to remind you to bring your reusable bags. Have you ever seen someone bring their reusable bags? Well I have. People think that these plastic bags are bad, because it is only used once.
Reusing bags would be a great idea to use, because not only does it solve this chaotic problem, but it gives us a chance to use it more than ever. Single used plastic bags can break easily once you have used it. Another way to protect the environment is to reuse everything that you don't need, such as clothes, bottles, and more. Every year New Zealand has bought more than 1 million of these single used plastic bags into the landfill. As this is happening each object that gets thrown away into the landfill has an approximate time, until it breaks down.
Think about it now? What is your honest opinion about these bags? "C'mon we need to start thinking of other ways to solve this problem, as it is going to carry on". Each year we will have an amount of our sea animals die, because of of what we are doing.
"So if your someone who is keen to support others start by, thinking, talking, and listening".
After writing our explanations, we were to use the LS2 writing rubric to check what level we were at. We all got into pairs/groups to complete this task. Each pair filled in the self check and the buddy check. We read each others writing samples to understand what they were talking about. Until that finished, each pair started communicating, by giving feedback and feed forward on their writing. Their are 6 rubrics that we use which are: punctuation, vocabulary, organisation, sentence structure, ideas, and structure and langue.
buddy evaluation,
feed forward,
LS2 rubric,
Mele 2019,
self evaluation,
Friday, 8 March 2019
Today was another session of tech. Our tech teacher was Mr Naicker. For tech we continued, by filing down the edges. Jack and I started sandpapering our handles to make it feel nice and smooth. I am currently using 2 types of sandpapers to make the edges of my hand base smooth. I have chosen to make a cake cutter, which will be a great thing to make. I have finished making the top of my handle smooth, but I need to work on making the sides of it nice. The year 7's are with Mr Grundy, while the Year 8A is with Ms Ferguson.
Metal Working,
Mr Naicker,
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Current Events
Today as a great start off to reading we completed another activity. This activity was completed in our collaborative groups. To complete this task we were to find 2 events about national and international events that had happened recently. We used a creative DLO that helped us write everything in. Pua, Te Pounamu, Avalon, Florence, and I worked collaboratively together for this task. We chose the articles about Fiji banning nets and children's day. We answered the 5 questions and 1 how. Our group also gave our own point of views to show that we have evidence.
Current Events,
Read Theory
Today as a start off to the morning we began with 15 minutes of read theory. Read theory is a reading site that develops our reading and English skills. This gives us a chance to read a text/article about a interesting topic. I am currently reading on grade 5. I am good at reading the text, but next time I need to find evidence to back up my answers.
Read theory,
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Fair Trade
Last week's task for reading for my group (Rakino) was to first read a story called Fair Chocolate. In this story, we learnt about what a fair trade company is, how the fair trade chocolate company gets their cacao beans, and how the chocolate companies can help the cacao farmers live better. After we'd read the story we then needed to have a learning conversation with each other on different questions regarding the story and things in it. The next thing we needed to do was create a DLO about what fair trade companies are.
Fair Chocolate,
Fair Trade,
Friday, 1 March 2019
Tech with Mr Naicker
Today was another session of Tech at Tamaki College. Our teacher was Mr Naicker. Mr Naicker teaches us how to do Metal Working. At the moment we are still creating our handles for our cake servers/pizza cutters. Most people are still filing, while others are using sand paper to make the edges of the handles smooth and soft. I am currently using sand paper to make the edges of my cake server handle smooth. The year 8A is colouring in fruits, while the year 7's are doing their woodwork designs.
Metal Working,
Sanding Paper,
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