I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Tables Dash
Today for maths I played a game called Tables Dash. This week I am learning my 8 times tables. Playing this game helped me learn my 8 times tables really quick. In this game I had to get through all the 8 times tables before I get hit by the lightnings. If I touch a lightning I will have to start again. At the bottom is shows you what times tables you can practise.
Click here if you want to play tables dash:
8 time tables,
tables dash
Monday, 26 February 2018
Winter Olympic Comparison
Today for Inquiry Jonathan,Christopher, and myself created a Winter Olympic Comparison. In this Comparison we all worked together to write down some information about the values in Panmrue Bridge School and the Winter Olympics.
After doing that we had to look back to both of the circles and see if any of them had similarities. I created this Venn diagram by using google drawings.
Venn Diagram,
Winter Olympics
Blog Analysis
Today I created a Blog Analysis showing others how to create their own blog post record. First I created a google spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet I added the data from my blog (this was the total number of blog posts we have done each year). I have been blogging for 4 years since 2015. In 2015 I got 230 posts, 2016 I got 265 post, 2017 I got 286 posts, and in 2018 I have only got 71 posts at the moment. Altogether I have published 852 blog posts. My goal is to be the first person to get the Panmure Bridge School 1000 Club badge.
Blog Analysis,
Blog Record,
Friday, 23 February 2018
Silver Respect Badge
Today at assembly, I got my Respect badge. To get this badge I had to complete 5 tasks and then get it signed by a school leader,teacher and our principal. Once I finished getting it signed off I booked a appointment with Mr Johnston telling him about what I did and what I learnt. Today at assembly I received my Silver respect badge.
Here are the links to the tasks I completed for this badge on my blog:
Care Awards,
Silver Respect Badge
Thursday, 22 February 2018

Today for Softball was our first session. Our instructors name was called Alison. Today for Softball I learnt how to throw a ball using the L shape and the monkadileabb. My partner was Miki. First we started of with throwing and catching the ball. The person who was throwing had to have their writing hand at the back, Their left leg back with their right leg in the front. The person that was going to catch had their hands ready like a butterfly.Once we finished practising we went further back. The last partners to be standing wins. We the same thing but with the monkadileabb. It means acting like a monkey and when the ball come you have to walk side to side like a crab.Once you catch it you act like a crocodile trying to bite something.
Panmure Bridge School Whakatauki
Today LS2 learnt about their School Whakatauki. In this task others learnt that they had a Whakatauki in our school. This created google drawing shows you the Panmure Bridge School Whakatauki and what it means. The white is what each Whakatauki means in English.
Panmure Bridge School,
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our 2nd session. Our Kiwi Can teachers today was Mr Matt,Ms Lily, and Mr Latu. Our topic we are learning this term is Fairness and Fair play. Our theme this term is positive relationships.Today I learnt how to follow rules. I know that we should follow the rules because it will just make others think that we aren't playing fair even if were cheating. For example if I was playing tag and I pushed my friend Marieta it wouldn't be fair because my friend will feel sad so that's why we should listen and follow the rules.Today in Kiwi can we played 2 games. The first game we played was a action game. In this game Mr Latu had to point at us and say a word. If we do the right action were in but if we do the wrong action were out. For example if Mr Latu said Buffalo we have to shout it out and do the action. The next game we played was a game with 2 balls. In this game everybody had to make a circle and spread their legs to touch the others as if they were trying to do the splits. The person with the ball had to try and aim it between a persons legs. The last game we played was part of power walking. Everyone was in a circle. Ms Lily numbered us off. Once she calls a number group that group has to run around the circle, go back to their spots and then jump into the hula hoop. Last person in the hula hoop sits back down in their spots.
Kiwi Can,
Positive Relation ship
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Place Value Subtraction
Place Value Subtraction
Olympic and PBS Values
Today for Inquiry Jonathan and I learnt about the differences and the similarities between facts about Panmure Bridge School and facts about Olympics. We filled in some boxes with information. For the Panmure Bridge School boxes I wrote in information about their Panmure Bridge School Whakatauki, The Panmure Bridge School Logo, The Panmure Bridge School Motto, and the Panmure Bridge School Values. We did the same with the Winter Olympics.
Winter Olympics
Reciprocal Reading
Today for reading we did reciprocal reading. For reciprocal reading everybody needed a reciprocal reading card and a book. Everyone took turns to silent read a page. We all read a book called Constructing Big Air. We all took turns being the leader.
Reciprocal Reading
Chinese New Year Explanation
This week for writing we learnt all about Chinese New Year. We watched a video about how Chinese New Year began. The video explained what happens in Chinese New Year. We wrote an explanation about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. In this explanation we needed to include a title, an introduction, paragraphs of information and a conclusion.
How is Chinese New Year Celebrated?
Chinese New Year is celebrated in many and different ways but some people don’t celebrate Chinese New year at all. They celebrate Chinese New Year to symbolise an old legend centuries ago. There is a lot of traditions that are important to the Chinese culture. Do you celebrate Chinese New Year?
One of the traditions is the traditional Chinese New Year food. Food is very important when celebrating Chinese New Year. Every Chinese New Year they eat Noodles,Dumplings,Fish,Spring Rolls,Niangao (Rice Cake), and Shrimp. Shrimps Symbolises happiness because the mandarin word for shrimp means happiness. Noodles shouldn't be cut because they help us grow and live a long life.
They also celebrate by having big parades and festivals that are open to anyone. In the parades they play their drums loudly but they also represent the 12 animals. The 12 animals show what your personality is. Chinese New Year goes for 15 days. It starts when there's a new moon and ends when the moon is full. On the last day they celebrate by having a big lantern festival. Like the parade it is open to anyone who would like to take part.
Another tradition that people do is they decorate their houses. One of the decorations they use is the New Year Couplets. New Year Couplets is always pasted on doors. The Couplets shows best wishes for the next year. Many couplets is about the spring arrival. During Chinese New Year it is bad to see lanterns hung of trees because it can drive off bad luck. They also use paper cuttings to represent Luck and Happiness.
People celebrate Chinese New Year in other multiple ways . The Chinese traditions have a big impact on family. The Legend is why the Chinese New Year became. It is very popular to the culture. There is a number of people who celebrate Chinese New Year just like us.
Chinese New Year,
Friday, 16 February 2018
Care Awards-Respect-Life At P.B.S
Care Awards,
Life At P.B.S,
Care Awards-Respect-Showing Respect
Care Awards,
Showing Respect
Care Awards-Respect-Aretha Franklin
This year the year 7 and 8's decided to do some care awards. The care awards is our school values. C is for Confidence, A is for Attitude, R is for Respect, and E is for Excellence and Innovation. For this activity I had to research about Aretha Franklin's Respect song.
Aretha Franklin,
Care Awards,
Care Awards-Respect-Respected Leader
Care Awards,
Respected Leader
Care Award- Respect- Thank you letter
This year the year 7 and 8's decided to do some care awards. The care awards is our school values. C is for Confidence, A is for Attitude, R is for Respect, and E is for Excellence and Innovation. Each and everybody has a booklet for the activities they need to complete. To get a badge we need to complete 5 activities for each care award. For example if I picked Attitude I need to complete one of the 5 activities that are listed down and start to do it. Once I've completed one of the activities I need to get it checked by a school leaders and then show it to either one of my teachers. Today for this activity I picked respect. In this task I had to write a thank you letter to one of the staff members. I decided to write this letter to Mrs Anderson.
Care Award,
Thank you letter
Summer Learning Journey Visit
Today at assembly we had special guests Rachel and her friend from the next foundation. In assembly Rachel came over to present the certificates for the participants and also the the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners. Alex and I came first, Ofa came 2nd, and Marieta came 3rd. First Rachel called the participants. Angela and Fau won the spot prizes- New Zealand flag,Rugby/Netball ball, and a next foundation shirt. The last to get presented was the winners. The winners and the spot winners got a t shirt each. The prizes amazed me telling me that I earn it so much. I just want to say a big Thank you to Rachel and the Next Foundation for all the help they have given us.
Summer Learning Journey
Tech Work

Today was our first day at Tamaki College Tech. Our instructor for this rotation was Mr Grundy. Mr Grundy's class learnt all about doing pewter casting. For this task the yr sevens had to pick 4 of their family members and use silhouette photos for their 4 favourite things they love to do. For example if Marieta loved fly on a plane I would get a photo of a silhouette plane. Next week we will be planning how to make our metal necklaces.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Place Value Strategy
This week for maths we have been learning how to use a Place Value Strategy by adding 3 digits numbers together. In this task we have been learning how to work it out too. The first box is my number story I wrote and the box at the bottom is how you work it out. On the right it shows you my video that shows you how to your this strategy. A maths game we played before we did this task was a game called super fingers. In this game we had to play with a maths buddy. My maths buddy was Marieta. In this game we had to roll the dice and then add the numbers together and cross out a letter. For example Marieta rolled the dice it rolled 3 and 2. The first person to say the correct answer can cross out the first letter from super fingers. The first maths buddy to cross out all of the letters wins.
Place Value Strategy
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can was our first session with our new teachers. Our new teachers was Mr Matt and Miss Lily. Our topic we are learning this term is Encouragement. Encouragement means supporting others and your team mates too. For example if I was at my best friend's netball game I will say '' go Marieta'' this is called supporting/cheering to make them more confident. The positive words for cheering them is Well done or Great job. In Kiwi can we played 2 games. The first one was called move places if. For example one person has to be in the middle saying move if you love to eat fast food. The last person to move is in the middle. The 2nd game we played was a tag game. There was 3 teams competing. In this game there was 2 teams competing at a time. This game was just like netball but instead they had to tag the team mates without moving.

Kiwi Can
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Winter Olympics Mascot Comparison
This week for inquiry we have been learning all about the Winter Olympics this year. For this task we had to create a comparison comparing the 2018 Pyeong Chang mascot and a another Mascot from a different Winter Olympic game. To compare a mascot to Soohorang my group decided to chose Neve and Gliz. Neve and Gliz were the mascots for 2006 Winter Olympics and Soohorang is the mascot for 2018 which is this year. In our Comparison we had to add in a image of the mascots and also more description about them.
Winter Olympics
Making Connections- Snow
Today for this reading task we had to make connections. We read a book called Hard Ice Soft Ice. We had to use Text to text, Text to world, and Text to self. After reading this book we had to fill in a making connections google document about what we have read what we know and our reactions about things we know about snow. The book we read was like a school journal but was a connections book from the Ministry of Education.
Making Connections,
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Morning Routine Explanation
This week for writing Ms Kirkpatrick's group had to write a explanation about our own morning routine. We had to include the language features and the structure too. First we had to add the 3 bullet points talking about the three main points we were talking about in our 3 paragraphs. After that we had to write in the introduction, 3 paragraphs, and then the conclusion.
Morning Routine
- Getting Ready
- Breakfast
- Leave
Morning Routine
Getting Ready
I love to have a morning routine. It helps me get organised and ready for new learning at school. This is my morning routine.
First I wake up from my alarm. This is my time to pray for about 10 minutes. After praying I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. The mouthfresh I use is as spicy as chilly. Next I go to my room and start to iron my uniform, I put it on my uniform and start to make breakfast.
After I pour in the cereal to my bowl and add milk. I add in my bananas to make it more delicious. While eating my breakfast I watch the news to see what has been happening. Soon I wash my bowl and leave it there to dry. Since I finished having breakfast I start making my lunch. Looking at my lunch makes me feel as if I hadn’t eaten anything in years.
Finally I get to pack my chromebook. Before putting my chromebook inside my case I make sure that it's fully charged and shut down. A while later I get in the car ready to leave to school. My mum drops me at school and gives me a hug before I leave so that I can have a great day at school with my wonderful teachers. When I leave it's like I'm leaving for a different country.
Being able to wake up, organised and knowing what to do already. I come to school early every time. This lets me learn what I need to know. If I never had a routine I would come late not knowing what to do! Would you like to have a morning routine like mine?
Morning Routine,
Winter Olympics Comparision
Today for inquiry some of us had to create a Venn diagram and start to write differences about the Comparison Winter Olympics and also the similarities. We had to write on the left hand side facts about the 1924 Winter Olympic sports and also facts about the Modern Winter Olympic Sports. After doing that we had to look back to both of the circles and see if any of them had similarities. I created this Venn diagram by using google drawings. We had to watch a video about the 1924 and Modern Winter Olympics. After doing that we had to write some facts down for each circle.
First Games,
Modern Games,
Winter Olympics
Friday, 9 February 2018
Blog Post Analysis
Today Learning Space 2 had to create a DLO showing how any blog posts we published ever since we started blogging. Everybody created a google spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet we added the data from our blogs (this was the total number of blog posts we have done each year). I have been blogging for 4 years since 2015. In 2015 I got 230 posts, 2016 I got 265 post, 2017 I got 286 posts, and in 2018 I have only got 49 posts at the moment. Altogether I have published 830 blog posts. My goal is to be the first person to get the PBS 1000 Club badge.
Bar Graph,
Blog Post Analysis,
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Can you figure out my holiday?
Today for writing I had to show don't tell. I had to use some of the scenes to make people figure out what I did in my holiday times. I used 2 heard 1 saw 2 felts and 2 wonders. You guys need to try and figure out what I did in my holiday time. At the bottom it shows a picture of what I did so look at it and try to think of what I did.
Remembering our Summer Holiday?
Remembering our Summer Holiday?
I heard waves bumping into each other.
I saw shells moving towards the water.
I felt relaxed as if I was the queen.
I felt cooled down like all the breeze was on me.
I wondered what the water was going to feel like, yet I saw the looks on the kids faces telling me it was cold.
I heard kids splashing everywhere.
I wondered if jumping in the water will calm me down.
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