This is my screenshot of my simple machine game called edheads. I worked in the bedroom which so easy fr me so this time I am going to do a harder level. I got one wrong which was the lever and I got 9 right.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Simple Machines Edheads
This is my screenshot of my simple machines game called Edheas. This is my score. I only got 1 wrong and the rest right. In the game I had to find the 10 simple machines that were in the garage.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Should we have corporal punishment argument.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
This is my xtramaths results. I got to 2 wrong and 43 right. What I need to work on next time is to get all my results and try hard.
Film review
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Wedges experiment
Wedges experiment
To find out which teeth are used for biting and chewing foods. Why do we use certain teeth for biting and chewing.
I think my front teeth will be used for biting the bread. My front teeth will be used to bite the banana.
Initially I used my premolars to bite the banana.
And I used my incisors to chew my banana.
Bread results
I used my incisors to bite the bread
and I used my molars to chew the bread.
Biscuit results
I used my canines to bite my biscuit and I also used my molars to chew.
This is my wedges experiment page I made by using google docs. I had to write results.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Maths simple machines
This is my screenshot of what I had to do about simple machines. I had to match the simple machines to the right sentence. This game was called label it.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Wheel/axle Poster
My Favourite Manaiakalani Movie
Thursday, 19 November 2015
My Favourite Manaiakalani Movie
This is my Film review poster I made by using google drawings. I had to write why I like this
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
This is my xtramaths. I got 5 wrong and 28 right. What I need to improve in next time is to move tot he next level.
Monday, 16 November 2015
My Comment to room 5 at St Pius x catholic: Plastic is not fantastic
This is my comment on the room 5 movie called Plastic is not fantastic. I like the Plastic not fantastic movie because it learns me a lesson to not throw rubbish around and also in houses. The movie was a rubbish movie which tells people not to throw rubbish in their school.
This is my xtramaths results. I got 8 wrong and 32 right. I need to get better at getting all of my results right for I don't move up to the next level which is subtractions.
Friday, 13 November 2015
My Comment to room 8 at Stone Fields School called The Test Time
This is my comment to room 8 called Test Time. I like the Test time movie because I like it how some of the students were doing there work then they saw the other students dancing so they went over and start dancing.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
My comment to PES called the Real World
This is my comment on PES movie called The real world. I like this movie because they came late to school and learned a lesson from the teacher to not come to school late again.
My comment to room 7 at St Pius X catholic School
This is my comment on the room 7 movie called Faith, Hope and Love. I like the Faith,Hope and Love movie because it tells me all about Faith hope&Love.
My comment to StoneFields
This is my comment Stone Fields School movie called The Lost Music. I like the lost music movie because I like it how they use fruits to make their instruments works which was a very smart Idea,
My comment to Tamaki College
This is my comment on Tamaki College. I like the Tamaki College movie because I like the effect they had used.
My Comment to Room 8 at Glen Innes school
This is my comment on the room 8 movie called room 8 dose recycling. I like the recycling movie because I like it they help each other sort out where to put the rubbish into.
My comment to room 5 Panmure Bridge School
This is my comment on the room 5 movie called Check it. I like the check it movie because it has a nice beat to the song. Also I like the part when the girls search up on the internet and find information on reading books.
My comment to schools that comment on our movie
This is my comment on the schools that comment on our movie. I liked how they comment on our movie because there comments is really understanding for us to read.
My comment to room 4
This is my comment on the room 4 movie called Flying Fives. I like the flying fives movie because the boys were helping each other clean up and helping each other putting rubbish int he bin.
My comment to room 9
This is my comment on the room 9 movie called Lost in time. I liked there background because it looked very nice and grey.
Wedges Poster
Chopsticks Challenge Photo Story
This is my slide show about the chopsticks challenge. I made this by using google slides. I had to write a sentence to match the picture of what we did. Also at the last bit of my slide show I wrote a simile.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Chopstciks Challenge Recount
The chopsticks Challenge recount
Wooho! as I started putting wine gums into the bowl I felt so nervous that I was going to drop the wine gum on the table. On Tuesday morning room 7 had a challenge of wine gums.We did did this because we wanted to learn some experience about levers.The wine gums were as curled like a dog's bowl. As I started putting the wine gum in the other bowl I felt like I was going to explore in the air. As Avalon was putting the wine gum into the bowl I felt happy.
Next we had a challenge of pebbles which was as slippery like someone slipping on water. When we started the pebble challenge I felt scared that I was about to drop the pebble on the table. So I got the red pebble and I putted it into the bowl. So it was Sky’s turn as Sky was picking up the green pebble she walked to the bowl and she just missed the bowl. So she got a sticker and placed it on to the table. After that it was Avalon’s turn. As Avalon picked up the red pebble she walked and made it into the bowl.
Finally we got to have a wine gum. As I ate the wine hum it tasted like juicy coming out of my mouth. As I finished my wine gum I felt like I was a hungry hyena wanting another wine gum.
So we put the sweets back in the packet.
“What a fun exciting day I said to myself”
this is my recount about what we did in the chopsticks challenge. I had to include a hook, oreantation and connectives.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Chopsticks Challenge
This graph shows the peoples number of centimeter where there lollies dropped. Joseph and Ta'ani was the one that dropped there pebble close to the bowl. The person that dropped their pebble furthest was Sky. Everybody else did not drop their sweets. The sweet that was easy to carry with the chopsticks was the wine gums because it was not Pebbles and not hard like then pebbles. The hardest sweet was the pebble because it was slippery and felt hard to pick it up with the chopsticks.
Monday, 9 November 2015
This is my xtramaths results. I got 4 wrong and 44 right. What I need to improve in next time when I play xtramaths is to get all of my results right and move to the next level which is Subtractions.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Multiplacation array 4
This is my multiplication poster. I had to put 4 hearts on each side so it could make 4 groups of 4. Also I had to write 4x4 in words numbers.
Multiplication Array 3
Multiplication Array 2
My Time At Halloween
Yeah as I went to Halloween It felt like in hell. I went at 3:00pm with my family. I was dressed as an princes. As I started walking to get some candy from other houses my tummy was spinning like a tornado in the sky. The first place we went to was around Panmure. In Panmure I got a lot of lollies in my basket since I started getting candy from other houses. Since I started going to houses to get lollies my heart was as scared like a earthquake drill. I went Halloween because I was tired staying home and watching the T.V. As I kept walking my feet was getting tired and tired of me running to get candy.
Next I went to Glen Innes. As we arrived there I was so excited that I was about to explode in the air. As I ran to get candy I saw some kids wearing scary costumes. Their costumes were as scared like a zombie. Then me and my little brother went to knock on the door. As me and my little brother knocked on the door a scary person showed up with a black hoodie and gave us a lollies scramble. After that we went to my nans house. As we got to her house she gave us 3 scoops of lollies. My nan was dressed as a scary doctor with fake blood on her. As I saw my nana wearing her costume She looked very spooky and scary. Then I went to my aunts house as I knocked on the door my aunt had a box and she told me to open it. As I opened the box it had had lollies and a spooky hand with blood. My lollies that I picked was a ring lollies and skittles.
Finally our last place was at Pakuranga where my cousin live. We went to was my cousin's house. As I knocked on the door my cousin gave me a huge fright. As he frighted me I felt like my heart was beeping. My last house was a house with spiderwebs blood and scary scarecrows. As I knocked on the door I felt scary because I thought they would give me a big fright. So I knocked on the door and they gave me a scoop of lollipops. So my mum told us to hop in the van to go back home and have a shower. So we arrived home and I said “thank you mum for taking me Halloween.”
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Xtramaths Results By Mele
I got 3 wrong and 51 right.What I need to improve in next time is to Make a high score for all my results so that I could move on.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
4 x 5= 20
Xtramaths results By Mele
This is my xtramaths I did for maths today. I got 6 wrong and 41 right. I need to try best to get all my results right.
Thinkking groups
This is me and Shailah's slideshow for thinking groups term 4. we had to make things that equals 16.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Xtramaths results By Mele
This is my xtramaths results. I got 6 wrong and 33 right. WHat I need to improve in next time to not get anything wrong and try my best to move to subtractions.
A recount must have:
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