
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Word Cline - Sad

Today I created a word cline about the word sad. To complete this task I used powerful words to make my word cline look good. All of the words I used were synonyms of sad. I decided to pick sad for my word cline because they were one of the word clines I wrote down on my scarp paper. Word cline means having the same word in order but then your start to pick up more and more powerful words. For example I picked the word sad. The order of this will be sad, unhappy, upsetting, blue, and then heartbroken. Heart broken was the most powerful word on my word cline.


  1. Any improvement I make, any happiness I find, any good and worthy thing I do is a manifestation of my love for you. sad pictures

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  4. Hi Mele
    I found your post when I was looking for Clines to help teach my ESOL studnets. I love your explanation. Can I use your Sad cline as an example for my students?

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